Total shoulder replacement: Told you need this? Watch this and your opinion may change immediately!

1 year ago

In this video I discuss a case with a gentleman who was told by 3 orthopedists that his pain and dysfunction could only be resolved with a total shoulder replacement. Those are words from 3 people who make a living doing surgery determining this need by interpreting an image: that's it. The problem is that bone-on-bone can not be identified with the human eye simply interpreting an image. This is true even when 3 people try to do the same thing.

Getting 3 opinions from 3 people who are educated and trained to see the same thing is in reality getting 3 of the same opinion. The fact is that this guy based on his physical presentation was not bone-on-bone and in fact by the end of one treatment regained his full range of motion. He actually achieved full range of motion that was pain-free and regained a lot of strength of the surrounding muscle through the Yass Method strength training exercises performed in the session.

The reality was that the lost range of motion which was impeded by pain not simply an inability to go through further range of motion was from altered mechanics of the joint caused by weakened and imbalanced muscle. The head of the upper arm bone must drop to allow the elbow to be raised without the head of the upper arm bone rising as well and impacting the top of the shoulder joint which would create pain and loss of range of motion. This is much different then having no joint space (bone-on-bone) between the shoulder blade aspect and the head of the upper arm bone that make up the shoulder joint.

It was clear that he could only raise his arm so far but when I raised it it went substantially higher, something that would be impossible if bone-on-bone were creating the lost range of motion. It was evident by performing a physical evaluation (the core aspect of the Yass Method diagnostic model) that he was not bone-on-bone and just had some muscular deficits responsible for the loss of range of motion and pain.

With just some basic massage, stretching and the appropriate application of Yass Method strength training exercises that isolate the specific muscles responsible for symptoms and dysfunction and applying progressive resistance, the mechanics of the shoulder were completely returned and this guy left with full range of motion and pain-free. So much for the total shoulder replacement.

You have to take responsibility for the type of care you are willing to accept. If something doesn't sound right, don't accept it just because it seems to be the default position and there doesn't seem to be any other alternatives. There are and this is a case where for this guy searching for an alternative prevented an unnecessary surgery and provided the pathway to a full return to function with no pain.

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