Chronic Pain: Not overuse; under strengthened. Take control of your symptoms!

1 year ago

For way too many people they go to their physician and are diagnosed with an overuse syndrome; tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, runner's knee. What does this diagnosis get them? No control over their symptoms, only to be told to limit performing the activity that brings on the symptoms or stopping it completely. Being given cortisone shots and anti-inflammatories but no control how to rid the symptoms and perform the activity fully to your heart's content.

Now you can take control by understand what is really going on. There is no such thing as overuse. It is a ridiculous term. All activities have a set force requirement and therefore if the force output of the muscles performing the activity is greater then the force requirement of the activity, it is performing without symptom development. Therefore, if symptoms do development, it is not because the force requirement of the activity is too great. it is because the force output of the muscles is too little.

With this understanding now the person can take charge of the situation. Strengthen the appropriate muscles and the activity can be performed to any level chosen without developing symptoms. No cortisone shots, no anti-inflammatories and no limitations in performing the activity.

If this is so obvious why doesn't the medical establishment promote this mindset and give control to people. Because the medical establishment is not in a position to treat muscular causes. They don't show up on diagnostic tests and there is no medical specialty educated or trained to identify them. Therefore treatment for muscular causes is the same as for structural causes; drugs and injections until surgery is consented to.

If you want to take control of your life and do the things you want to when ever you want to, i suggest you take the Yass Method mindset of symptoms with activity comes from the force output of muscles being less then the force requirements of the activities. Then you can take control, get the strength you need and live the life you so justly deserve.

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