Autumn's Second Autism Stem Cell Treatment with Intrathecal + IV + nebulized stem cells

2 years ago
128 (833) 445-9089
Hey, this is Josh dream by the clinic and the patient. You're going to see here a patient that came all the way from the UK. She's returning patient names. Autumn. She came two years ago and saw a ton of success with our autism treatment. Back then, we were not doing our intrathecal treatments yet. We were simply doing IVs and nebulized. Even with that, she saw a ton of progress.
You can see some of the videos on our site, too, where she's talking now interacting and this trip, she was talking like crazy, really cool girl, really great family. And they just wanted to continue to get better. They've already improved her quality of life at times with our stem cell therapies for autism.
And this has just taken it to the next level. So, as you'll see here, we're doing the intro equal treatment, which is what we started with. And this is our typical protocol. We start with 25 million via insured vehicle in the operating room administered by our anesthesiologist while the patient is under anesthesia, totally asleep doesn't feel remember anything.
So, it's real simple in that regard, it's very safe. I know your first thoughts are whoa, anesthesia into the spinal fluid, all these different things. It can kind of freak people out, but it's super safe. It's a beyond sterile environment and the operation. And it's a 30 gauge needle, which is the size of an insulin needle.
So could not be a smaller needle. It cannot sever the spinal cord or anything like that. No nerve damages. He just gets in there with the doctors. Administration goes into the cerebral fluid. I mean, the spinal fluid gets up to the cerebral fluid and it starts influencing the brain. The big thing are the macrophages and the brain, the immune system.
They're very specific to the brain and they need to get rid of any blocks. And that's what we're really kind of concluding that it's mostly neural connections that are being blocked or interrupted. It is causing a lot of these issues. And so, by assisting the immune system in the brain, which is what the stem cells do, they set out different cytokines, exosomes, chemo kinds, which influence the, the immune system there to do its job properly.
And it's just showing amazing. They also send out neurotrophic factors, which help guide the neurons to regeneration. You're just getting everything you need for the brain work. Perfect. So that's step one. Then the next day we do an V of a hundred million stem cells. Plus, we do a nebulized session of 25 million stem cells.
The kids are always a little bit off with like, you know, they don't like being poked with. But we typically find once that needles in very simple, easy, no problem. The nebulize can be a little bit tougher. Bottoms of fighter. She's a tough girl. And she doesn't like it. Some kids, no problem. Other kids really don't like the mask on their face.
So, she fought a bit, but her dad was able to hold her no big deal. She's able to breathe in those cells. They get to the lungs, which helps. But they most importantly get to the mucus membrane where they're able to travel to the bloodstream and go straight to the brain that way. We're attacking this from every angle we can, the Ivy cells will assist the immune system throughout the body and gut health.
There's a huge connection between gut health and brain health in autism and just for everyone. And we're seeing really great results there. So that's our protocol. It's working well. We're helping a lot of kids and we just keep getting more and more because of the success that we're having, and you get a great vacation out of it.
It's, it's extremely safe. There's a lot of people from where you're from already here. This, these patients all the way from the UK and we've be getting more patients from the UK because there's now direct flights from Gatwick airport and from Manchester directly to port Byron. If you're in the UK, it's actually a lot easier to get here.
So, if you want to learn. Give us a call anytime it's toll free at 833 445 9089. Or check out our website, Scroll down. You'll find the autism treatment, click it, prices of their information, everything you need. I'm Josh. Happy to help.

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