What’s your biggest struggle with video creation? #MyLikeeTips #Likeetip

1 year ago

1. Make sure you have a good camera!

I know this seems obvious, but I've seen many videos where people use their phone as a camera and they look terrible. If you want to make a video that looks professional, then you need a good camera. You don't necessarily need to spend a lot of money, but you should get something that's at least HD quality.

2. Don't over-think it!

Don't worry about making a perfect video if you're not comfortable doing it yet. Just start recording and keep going until you feel like you got everything out of it.

3. Keep it short and sweet!

If you try to cram too much information into your video, it'll just end up confusing your audience. Instead, focus on what you're trying to say and keep it simple.

4. Use a tripod!

A tripod keeps your camera still while you move around, which makes it easier for you to record smooth footage.

5. Have fun!

You shouldn't take yourself too seriously, especially when you're filming yourself. Be natural and have some fun!

6. Edit it!

Once you're done shooting, go back and edit your video. Cut out any parts that aren't necessary, add transitions, titles, music, etc.

7. Share it!

Sharing your video is the best way to promote your channel. Post it on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.

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