DOOM 3 Resurrection Of Evil- Full HD Game Walkthrough - Part 2 Of 3

2 years ago

(Continued From Part 1)

The protagonist is, once again, an unnamed space marine holding the rank of Corporal who came along with Swann and Campbell aboard the Darkstar. This marine was called to replace another who died during an operation.

As he is assigned by Master Sergeant Kelly, a.k.a "Sarge", to find a missing scientist named Jonathan Ishii who was last seen in the old Communications Facility, Councilor Swann and Campbell argue with Betruger about the many incidents happening throughout the base, along with frightened employees and rumors of what is happening in the Delta Labs. Betruger replies to Swann that "amazing things will happen here soon," and to stay out of his way.

When the Marine finds Ishii, he babbles about sending out a warning to Delta Labs - Level 4 and that "the Devil is real. I know, I built his cage." With those words, Hell erupts from the main experimental gateway, sending a shock wave through the complex, along with glowing pentagrams and scores of evil ghost skulls that transform 90% of UAC personnel into zombies, including Ishii.

The remaining staff are killed off by the attacking demons with only a few scattered squads remaining, Bravo Team being the main one. After returning to the Reception area, the Marine is ordered by Sarge to regroup with Bravo Team and help them send a distress signal to the space fleet.

When the marine takes the elevator to Administration, he overhears Swann arguing with Betruger in a video phone conference, Betruger being rather calm about the situation, and claiming that it is under control. Knowing that Betruger is somehow linked to the invasion, Swann and Campbell also go to the Communications Facility to prevent anyone else from coming to Mars.

The Marine's effort to regroup with any remaining marines ends in vain as Hell has hit hard, killing or possessing the human population on Mars and leaving only a handful of humans who, with futile effort, hide or lock themselves in the most secure areas that they can reach. Passing through the Administration and Alpha Labs areas, the Marine encounters many demons and zombie enemies, some of which are led by a powerful Vagary.

After reaching the EnPro Facility, the Bravo Team is attacked and killed by a group of Imps, with the exception of one surviving marine who plays dead to hide the distress card from Swann and Campbell when they pass by him. When the Marine reaches the slaughter of the Bravo Team, this survivor gives the distress card to him and is later killed by a Wraith.

When the Marine finally reaches Communications, however, Campbell has already destroyed the main console with his BFG 9000. Sarge orders the Marine to go to the isolated satellite tower and send the transmission for reinforcements. There the Marine is confronted with a moral decision when Swann contacts him on a video conference.

Sending the message or not, the Marine is ordered by Swann/Sarge to go to Delta Labs and help stop the invasion. After receiving security clearance to the Monorail, he is trapped by Betruger himself on the Waste Recycling Center. Betruger taunts the Marine, revealing that he commands the monsters that have overrun the base and saying that he already sent a transmission to the fleet, and he is waiting for them to show up to hijack their spaceships and attack Earth.

Betruger also uses his powers to transform wounded marines into his Commando servants. After escaping the Environmental Reprocessing Center, the Marine uses the monorail and finally reaches the Delta Labs.

While at Delta Labs, the Marine meets Sarge on another video conference (after restoring power to the sector due to a missing DataLinker), Finding out that he has changed, his personality having grown cold and dark. They agree to meet in the Delta Service Tunnel, but Sarge doesn't show up. On the Delta Labs - Level 2, the Marine finds Ian McCormick, who explains to him the background story about the teleportation experiments and the Hell invasion and helps the Marine teleport himself to the Research Sector of Delta. McCormick also explains that when Betruger unleashed the invasion, he went to Hell with an artifact from the archaeological digs called the Soul Cube, and he believes the artifact is the only way to stop the invasion.

(Continued In Part 3)



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