Bitcoin For Healthcare with Stem Cell Therapy

2 years ago
18 (833) 445-9089
Hey guys, bitcoin is back up! It's always a way of going up, going down, but man, it just hit, I think it hit all time new high today, or at least matched it there at around 64,000. And it looks like it could keep going up. Maybe it goes down, either way It's become like just an amazing investment vehicle.
We've been taking Bitcoin for the past eight. It's been amazing for us. I mean, we, we love helping people with that. And the coolest thing we find is that so many people, you know, we want to invest, we want to put our money to good use. And it almost seems like when you've got Bitcoin, it almost feels like casino money, you know, it's you, you got that.
It doesn't quite feel real in the same way that maybe cash does or whatnot that you want to put it to good use because, you know, you made a good decision investing in it. You know, you did the right thing. So you want to invest that money back into the right dates. And what we found is healthcare. I mean, what's the point of having all that money if you're not healthy to use it.
So we've been taking, like I said, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, X, uh, ripple all these different cryptocurrencies for the past eight years. And we, you know, we help people put that to good use by helping them. We're fixing people's knees or fixing bad backs. We're helping auto-immune conditions. I mean, you wouldn't believe how many patients we've had with Ms.
That are pretty much in, for a mission right now, the people for rheumatoid arthritis that are backlight moving and doing things again. So many incredible things that we're seeing. So I guess the point is video is crypto's awesome, but put it to good use, you know, like, uh, for example, the hexes or the they're doing the whole thing with post chain, Richard Hart, all.
It was really cool. He did a sacrifice phase where they actually put a bunch of money that went into the sentence foundation, which is working on fighting aging. It's an incredible group doing that. There's a lot of other people that invest into different like healthcare avenues, just changing the game up because it feels like the healthcare system right now is not really healthcare.
It's more of just covering or masking problems and never finding a real solution. Our goal here at dream body clinic is we're looking for real solutions. We do stem cells because they can help you avoid surgery. They can help people that maybe have been put on painkillers to deal with a bad back or Gabapentin, these different things that they should have just been able to get some stem cells to fix that.
For whatever reason, the FDA has created some ridiculous regulations around the United States, but here in Mexico, we're able to work around that. We're able to do things legally in the right way to help people heal and, you know, fix it, make sure like my knee was so messed up five years ago, multiple meniscus tears torn ACL.
Every time I went for a run or went to the gym, my knees would hurt for days. I have no knee pain. Now it's been five years and no knee pain. I can go do whatever. And we can do the same thing for you. So, um, all the cryptocurrencies, you know, it's like anything, it's this isn't financial advice. It's not right for everyone, but I know there's a lot of really smart people out there that have put their money to good use.
And now they don't want to just go spend it on like the stupid things. They want to make sure that they're feeling good because it's about quality of life. And that's what we're after stem cells have some amazing properties. They might help you live longer. But the big thing. Even if they don't make you live longer, the quality of life you're going to have for as long as you have is going to be so much higher with stem cells.
We're just finding that they target inflammation is a root cause. Most every issue that people have, and then they get in there and they create the cellular regeneration that helps heal it the right way. You basically heal like you did when you were a little kid. Stem cells, healthcare crypto. I mean, the world's changing.
I think it's changed in some really good ways in that regard. So that's what we found. We're just big fans of that. We're not fans of the traditional system, the traditional financial system, traditional health care. They're just not working. We're, you know, we believe we're on the cutting edge of what's coming and we'd like to help you with that.
So, if you want to get ahold of us, we do free consultations regarding stem cell. Or hormone replacement therapies. And you can get ahold of us any time at Or give us a call toll free at (833) 445-9089. Thanks.

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