YOUR BIG EGO is the much bigger enemy. here's actually why

1 year ago

DON’T BE YOURSELF. Worst advice ever given to you. Why? (Very short)

To be yourself, means — in the way people use it — don’t grow, because then you won’t be yourself any longer. You have then changed. But that's a good thing right, to change? Of Course it is. (If the change is positive) But to be yourself means that you shouldn’t ever make changes to how you live. And thus it means to stick. I made a video about stick or twisting, here -– Stick Or Twist, The Bigger Purpose Of A Self-Improvement Journey —
So, make your choice, do you want to be the EXACT same person as now, or improve through being uncomfortable and growing because of it. Change your life around, do this via my other article i just wrote.
The absolute guide to becoming a masculine successful man

My name is Nils, I have been studying, doing, and teaching this for over a year now.
My guess is that you don’t give rat’s shit about it. So just read it and make up your own mind.
What I do want to state before you do is: this isn’t some wishy-washy article, I will tell you step by step what to do for every single principle daily and why to do it.

So, you either will be leaving this actually doing it, or forgetting about it/ not implementing the things i tell you to, if it’s the latter, you could just as well go away, and not read it at all.
Read all of this with an open mind and ready to 1) being changed of mind. Or 2) Not.

Note; these principles SKILLS not character traits, thus this means they can be practised, I will list the daily practices.

There isn’t more to it.

Invest in self improvement, it may not be the answer you liked, but it’s the one you get.
Stop being a little boy, and invest in growing yourself. You may not look forward to doing these things YET. But eventually, you will even like the activities you are doing on a day to day basis in order to improve yourself. So, let's reflect, after a couple of months of participating in these habits, also called habits of delayed gratification, you will see major results, change, and, drumrolls, joy. Joy IN DOING these habits of delayed gratification.
So you may not like starting your journey RIGHT NOW. but i guarantee you, If you ignore and destroy your lizard brain(the part of your brain who thrives for instant gratification, e.g. drinking alcohol, binge social media scrolling, overall activities that give you pleasure, NOW)
And start your self-improvement journey and stay consistent, you WILL see results over time.

This is the wholesome part, you WILL eventually, start to LOVE doing these activities.
So, invest in this consistently for a couple months. And your day to day life will 1) Give you joy and pleasure from doing the growth-activities. And 2) Grow and improve your life, ON A DAY TO DAY basis.
So why not take the deal?

Okay, now you are convinced by this, I will give you the 7 principles to make growth in, in order to achieve a tremendous amount of 1) Results. And 2) Happiness.

(Note; These principles are not in order, they are, thus, equally important)

Principle number 1: Discipline

This is especially a MUST have for a man who wants to become more masculine
Discipline, since the dawn of time, literally defines masculinity. So if you are a little comfortable bitch, go and do things OUTSIDE of your comfort zone. Comfort is the killer of men, it takes away little bits of discipline every single time you have 2 choices, namely:
Comfortable way. 2) The uncomfortable way. Through
No.1 destroys your masculinity and No.2 BUILDS it, so good news for you, discipline isn’t a built in character trait, it’s a SKILL, that is, like all the other skills in existence, built through deliberate practice.
Thus, summarised: Masculinity is built through discipline and discipline is built through uncomfortable experiences, like expressing gratitude to a loved one, having humility while reflecting on actions and choices you made, and ofcourse number 1, going to the gym everyday. ( and having good nutrition, this is more than essential for your life.)

(Note; I am currently making a book about my workout and nutrition plan to which i can correlate with all the success i have in life right now, as well as yet to gain.)

wanna see my full article , it's free by the way, dumbass.

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