THE WILD MAN OF THE NAVIDAD 2008 The 1970s Texas Navidad River Bigfoot Story FULL MOVIE in HD & W/S

1 year ago

THE WILD MAN OF THE NAVIDAD 2008 - Based on recently acquired journals of Texan Dale S. Rogers, this 1970s vintage-styled horror film tells the veracious, harrowing story of a rural Texas community whose residents were terrified for years by a mysterious Bigfoot-like creature inhabiting the nearby woods.

The makers of this Bigfoot docudrama intentionally went for a 1970s feel in style and substance, which works well considering Dale S. Rogers related his story of these strange happenings on his wooded property along the Navidad River in the 1970s. (Subscribe to this channel as some videos are not monetized and/or not searchable)

This is the complete movie in HD & Widescreen format.

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