Fetterman, PA’s Confused, Giant Lt Gov Mimics Biden as Stroke-Addled Candidate

1 year ago

Incredible: Pathetic Fetterman Cowers Behind Stroke Begging for Special Treatment

More Dem Cognitive Damage: Incredibly, Democrats launched ANOTHER MENTALLY INFIRM CANDIDATE for US higher office -- ducking while struggling with MASSIVE STROKE damage!! See, U.S. Sen Candidate Fetterman 'Almost Died' From Stroke. Fetterman, 52, stroked right before winning Senate primary. Then he stopped campaigning for 3 months. Oops!

Hoodie Wearing Satanist Bouncer: Presenting a cross between a hoodie-wearing skateboarder and a colossal shaved-head bouncer at a satanic temple, Fetterman is odd. This could be a political asset, except if one scratches below his surface, they’ll find an Environmental Zealot. Who unfortunately just suffered a large stroke during the campaign. Worse, corpulent Fetterman not long past weighed approx 450 lbs at 6’8’’, seemed to never follow medical advice.

Does America Really Need ANOTHER Mentally Incompetent Marxist in Higher Office?!!

Reckless Fetterman: diagnosed with heart problems 5 years ago, he inexplicably stopped blood thinners, ignoring warning signs before his MASSIVE STROKE, stating: “Like so many others, & so many men in particular, I avoided going to the doctor, even though I knew I didn’t feel well. As a result, I almost died.” NYTimes: Fetterman 2022: Steampunk Version of Biden in His Basement.

Doc Wants 5 Debates, which Fetterman refused. Why the reluctance? Fetterman actually admitted his speech function isn’t back to normal. WHAT?!! Fetterman claims he can’t hear due to his stroke, but then makes absurd mental errors unrelated to hearing. Perversely, Fetterman tries to make himself an object of pity. “A doctor making fun of my stroke? He’s lost his way!”

Sick, or ‘Fraid? Fetterman has lingering speech issues after his stroke. What’s the impact on his Senate run? Said Oz, “John Fetterman is either healthy and he’s dodging the debate because he does not want to answer for his radical left positions, or he’s too sick to participate in the debate.” See Fetterman Struggles to Speak & Why Fetterman refuses to debate Dr. Oz.


Ban Fracking: Lt. Gov. Fetterman, sponged off his parents till 49 during his mayor of Braddock, PA -- 1,700 pop. phase, receiving over $50k a year. John signed for a complete ban of fracking in PA where natural gas production was 7.1 trillion cubic feet in 2020. USA's 2nd largest natural gas producer after Texas. With 500,000 gas jobs in 2019, and $78.4 billion of state gross domestic product. Banning fracking would cost PA 600,000 overal jobs and remove $261 billion from the state’s economy. So, Is Fetterman CRAZY? Obviously.

Criminal Justice Reform: Soros-funded, radical left-wing DA Larry Krasner embraced leftist policies leading to 78% increase in homicides in Philly. Fetterman wants 30% prisoners released from jail, saying, "We could reduce our prison population by a third and not make anyone less safe in Pennsylvania.' And that's a profound statement."

Other Positions: Fetterman wants legalization of all drugs, stating, “I can’t believe something we grow is illegal!” -- implying everything raised is healthy. John wants more states added to the US, would dump the filibuster, and also pack the Supreme Court.

How’s it Possible a Badly Brain-Injured Candidate Gets a Pass After Joe’s Disaster?

No More Brain Addled Frauds: Folks, we can’t let a larger version of Joe Biden get elected in PA where he will be an ambulatory puppet for another cabal of Marxist aids. Folks, we’ve seen this show before and know how it ends. For the love of all that is just -- PULL THE PLUG ON JOHN “STROKED-OUT” FETTERMAN!!

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