ONE Reason "they" can't have Trump in 2024; Tin Dizzy Lizzy gets PUNKED @ WY primary; 2 Goodbyes:-(

1 year ago

Try this yourself: ask ANYONE: what is the ONE Reason, legit or not, that the D.C. Swamp does NOT want Trump back in the Oval Office in 2024. No one will get the answer correct. The Marxist DEMS have successfully made anything about Donald John Trump about "personality" instead of "meritocracy". The Marxist DEM never-Trumpers would rather have $8.00 gallon gasoline, high food costs, high energy costs, empty stores shelves, and even risk Nuclear Fallout Radiation if Ukraine commits suicide and attacks Russia's 6,000 Nuclear Warheads. ANYTHING than DONALD TRUMP.
The DEMS can't/won't admit they offer nothing for the American people and never have, even the JFK DEMS offered very little. The DEMS keep railing about FDR and his "New Deal" but the Historians won't tell you that FDR WAS from a family of prominent and RICH RICH RICH bankers, and that is part the reason(s) FDR never trusted the bankers. But in the end, FDR had to play the cards he was dealt with and parlayed those cards into Four(4) consecutive Presidential Election Wins; only the 1932 Election was closer than people wanted it to be, and after that first win, it was off to the races with FDR's New Deal.

Here comes Donald Trump, and you will NEVER hear the Marxist DEMS talk about any accomplishments Trump did in four short years. With one hand tied behind his back, as he needed to use his other arm to fight off the DAILY attacks on his Presidency. The DEMS have a problem: they know Joe Biden is a disaster for everyone, and Kamala Harris is so unpopular THEY themselves might Impeach her just to get rid of her! She is the Insurance policy to keep the GOPers from Impeaching Biden, as if this crap storm was planned.

But THIS video spells it out WHY "they" cannot withstand another four years of Trumps' Fiscal Restraints and forcing NATO to start ponying up the astronomical costs of the USA Military defending NATO.

The DEMS even know that they messed up and harmed EVERYONE in the country with the Covid Lockdowns and Climate Change Insanity.Yet NOT ONE DEM has given up THEIR cars, SUVs, electronic devices in EVERY room of their homes/condos/apartments, etc. They want YOU to live like the Amish with no TV, refrigerator, freezers, air conditioners, heaters, etc. while THEY do whatever they please. Hypocrisy is an art perfected by the Marxist DEM party.

The Politicians are the smartest people on the planet( except AOC and Liz Cheney).They can "talk a dog off of the meat wagon" spoken by LA Senator John Kennedy. I will make sure I put that in an upcoming video.

These Politicians are so slick and prepared, they could get a set of Siamese twins to try to kill each other.

There is ONLY one choice for the mid-terms 2022 and General Election 2024: GOP down ballot. Send these Marxist Commies to Cuba they want Socialism so damn bad.

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