California AG candidate promises to rein in Los Angeles DA George Gascon if elected

1 year ago

California candidate for Attorney General Nathan Hochman appeared on KABC's The John Phillips Show on Sept 16, 2022 and said:

"If I become the Attorney General in the November 8 election, when I assume of the very first things I will do is come into Los Angeles County and in the cases where George Gascón refuses to do his job -- if he won’t bring a gun enhancement against someone who uses a gun, if he won’t bring a gang enhancement against someone who’s in a gang, if he won’t bring a great bodily injury enhancement if someone suffers great bodily injury -- I will take Gascón off the case, put on the California Attorney General’s office, and prosecute that case the way the evidence dictates. That is my solemn commitment to the voters in Los Angeles, that I will absolutely do that."

Full story at RedState:

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