Ocean Pathway in Ocean Grove NJ. Martha's vineyard copied it. Ocean Grove was first!

1 year ago

This is a video my husband took in Ocean Grove NJ . If you look up images of Martha's vineyard they look identical. I think Martha's vineyard copied Ocean Grove in the way it looks and not the other way around. The reason is Ocean Grove was there first!
Ocean Grove was designated a State and National Historic District as a 19th-century planned urban community. It has the most extensive collection of Victorian and early-20th century architecture in the United States.
We looked into going to Martha's vineyard this and last summer. It is more expensive than going to Hawaii. It is not worth it.
Ocean Grove NJ you can just drive to.
Martha's vineyard you have to take a plane or ferry. People go to Martha's vineyard partially because Jaws was filmed there.
The Governor of Florida sent the illegal immigrants there and people there they bussed them to the ferry and took them to Cape Cod on a ferry.
Biden had been flying illegals in the middle of the night to Florida.
It is not a border town or a sanctuary state. That means there is nothing in the budget to help them with so he sent them where they can get help.
There is a video you can watch on Rumble because it is being censored everywhere else. The illegals thanked De Santis for sending them there even though alot of Americans are upset about it.
We are breitbart did an interview of illegals being bused to Kamala Harris neighborhood. They said the border is wide open and Biden invited them otherwise it would be illegal. They are honest! I would trade them for the lairs in power any day! (You can see the interview on Rumble, their page on Instagram unless they took it down or their site.

The US is NOT a Democracy. In a democracy you just have the president. In the US we have 3 EQUAL branches of government. It is the supreme court, congress and the president. Biden needs permission from the other branches of government to do anything. But he has been running the US like a democracy. He never got permission to open the border; he just did it anyway!
One of the reasons as much as I feel for the people coming to the US is we have laws in the US that are being broken not by them but by Biden our tax money goes to support the illegals . Biden took away money from US veterans to give it to illegals. Illegals were interviewed by
So anyway this video is Ocean Grove not Martha's vineyard. Ocean Grove got voted 4th best beach and it beat out Fiji.
Martha's Vineyard has rocky beaches. This has a nice beach voted most swimmable beach in NJ. We were going there when it was a ghost town now bus tours come in to see it.
Leave Martha's Vineyard for the rich people that dont know any better!

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