The Blue Zones & How to Live a Long & Healthy Life

1 year ago

#bluezones, #longevity, #ncds, #angina, #heartdisease, #diabetescoach, #healthcoaches

My wish is for you to have a long a healthy and fit life without chronic disease as you age.

I have had a 80 year old client who came to see me because he had pain in his hip, low back and severe shoulder pain.

He was a painter and had to use his left arm to prop up the right arm so he could paint.

After an intensive 8 weeks with me, he was able to stand again for prolonged period and could lift his right arm again and paint.

A vast amount of studies have been carried out about centenarians across the world who live a healthy pain free and active life.

They are called blue zones areas – which are places in the world where people live longer and healthier than anywhere else on earth.

Several of these blue zones exist, and in each of these places people living to 100 years plus in good health is very common.

And they aren’t just living long either these people are living healthy lives without medication or physical disability.

And the the secret is lifestyle and nutrition.

Quite simply, these people live a lifestyle that includes natural movement,

having a purpose in life (they work till old age),

happiness (strong social and family bonds),

following a specific plant diet with only 10% of meat (eating the right foods is absolutely key in being pain-free) and living in a supportive community.

You see, people are made to move and lead an active life. In blue zones regions, people were nudged into moving every 20 minutes throughout the day.

Sitting (or even standing) in one position for an eight-hour workday can wreak havoc on your body.

But what I really want you to take away from this is that there are societies out there living easily without chronic illness on average 100 years plus. You find them in Okinawa Japan, Ikaria in Greece, Sardinia in Italy, 7th Adventists in Loma Linda in California and Coast Rica.

These centenarians have low levels of circulating IGF-1 and high levels of anti-inflammatory molecules.

Genes signaling to enhance cells’ DNA repair mechanisms to fight changes that could lead to cancer are supported by higher levels of anti-inflammatory molecules, plant micronutrients, and lower levels of IGF-1.

Join one of my retreats in the Blue Zone areas which you can find on my website

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