Gecko showing off it’s sticking skills

1 year ago

Its body color and vertical pupils are adapted to its habit, and when the pupils contract they form small quadrilateral holes. One or two eggs are laid at a time and the egg shell is fragile. Some New Zealand gecko species are ovoviviparous. Gecko toes have nearly a billion tiny, specialized cilia. All geckos survive by cutting off their tails when they are caught. The idea is that they use their muscles to separate the bones of their tails from their bodies. Generally speaking, geckos with severed tail will gradually grow a new tail later, and the severed tail will continue to shake for a period of time after it is detached from the body of the gecko [7]. They have lived on Earth for more than 50 million years and spread all over the globe. Because it is highly adaptable and can survive in many environments, such as deserts and tropical regions. These are places where geckos show a great diversity of species.

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