What Are the Consequences of Not Addressing Professional Burnout?- Lee Ann Bonnell Live

1 year ago

What Are The Consequences of Not Addressing Professional Burnout?

Entrepreneurs and career professionals are always on the go.

They are constantly juggling multiple balls in the air and always seem to be one step ahead of the game.

However, what happens when they finally hit a wall? What are the consequences of not addressing professional burnout?

Consequence #1: Lower Productivity Levels
When entrepreneurs and career professionals hit a wall, their productivity levels plummet. This is because they no longer have the same drive or motivation to get things done. All they can think about is taking a break or getting away from it all. As a result, their work suffers and their bosses or clients are not happy.

Consequence #2: Increased absenteeism
Another consequence of not addressing professional burnout is increased absenteeism. Entrepreneurs and career professionals who are burnt out often call in sick or take more vacation days than usual. This can be detrimental to their businesses and careers as it shows a lack of commitment. Additionally, it can also lead to them getting behind on projects or deadlines.

Consequence #3: Resentment toward work
The final consequence of not addressing professional burnout is resentment towards work. When entrepreneurs and career professionals are constantly under pressure, they can start to resent their businesses and jobs. This can lead to them feeling unmotivated and unhappy with their work-life balance. Additionally, it can also lead to them making mistakes or poor decisions at work.

Entrepreneurs and career professionals need to be aware of the consequences of not addressing professional burnout. Lower productivity levels, increased absenteeism, and resentment towards work are all common consequences of burnout.

If you are starting to feel burnt out, take a step back and assess your situation. You may need to make some changes to avoid these negative consequences.

Remember, I'm hosting a free workshop on Wednesday, September 21 at 4 pm EASTERN.

I hope you'll join me! Register for the workshop at leeannclass.com today. Right NOW, because there is no time like the present!

See you on Wednesday!

#gritandgrace #free #workshop #burnoutisreal #burnout #lowerproductivity #absenteeism #resentment

If you’d love a customized strategy based on my 20 years of experience working with people just like you, hop on my calendar at http://meetwithleeann.me

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Testimonials found on this website are actual client reviews of Lee Ann Bonnell and Lee Ann Bonnell Coaching. Prospective clients may not obtain the same or similar results. The information contained on this website is intended for general informational purposes only.

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