8 foods that help reduce cholesterol naturally | The Times of India

1 year ago

How foods keep cholesterol under control
Cholesterol is a wax-like substance that is found all over the body – blood, cells, arteries and tissues. It’s an extremely important element that’s needed to make maintain hormonal balance. It becomes a problem when the ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL, VLDL &triglycerides) overtakes the ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL).

That’s what increases the risk of heart problems as it can clog walls of arteries and harm blood flow. High cholesterol levels can also lead to obesity, diabetes and joint pains.
A poor diet, lack of protein, inadequate physical movement, smoking, and being overweight are some of the reasons for high cholesterol levels. Statins are an easy way out to control these levels, but they are strong medicines and difficult to stop. A better solution would be to make a few lifestyle changes and control your cholesterol naturally. Supporting your liver is key when it comes to lowering cholesterol levels and it can be done through natural food sources. Here, Nutritionist and Chef Ishti Saluja is suggesting 8 foods that can help reduce cholesterol naturally. (Image: stock)
Celery, cucumber, ginger& mint juice
Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, it helps purify the blood and optimizes the functioning of the liver so it reduces the production of LDL cholesterol. Simply blend the ingredients with some water and add a pinch of Himalayan salt. Drink it immediately – do not let it sit around after blending. (Image: stock)

Also Read: Daily food items that may be causing high cholesterol
Fibre-rich food
Fibre helps to trap cholesterol and prevents the body from reabsorbing it into the bloodstream. It helps remove it waste from the body, keeping overall toxins low. Good sources of fibre: Overnight-soaked chia and flax seeds, green vegetables, whole grains, and berries. (Image: stock)

Rich in fibre, oats also increase satiety and keep blood sugar levels in check – helping reduce food cravings. This helps with weight management and thus helps in controlling cholesterol levels. (Image: stock)

Increasing your intake of protein along with proper physical movement (strength training, walking, pilates, yoga) helps increase HDL levels, while reducing LDL levels. This happens when each cell in the body reduces its fat content and increases its protein content. Clean sources of protein include eggs, salmon, paneer, edamame, green beans, lentils, chickpea, kidney beans, sprouts, and prawns. (Image: stock)

Also Read: 6 things to do after eating high cholesterol food
Healthy fats
High cholesterol levels does not mean you cannot have fats. Healthy fats are a great source of omega 3, which keeps the heart healthy. Include food items like ghee, avocado, salmon, olive oil, nuts and seeds to your diet to keep the heart healthy and reduce LDL levels. (Image: istock)
High in potassium and fibre, bananas help maintain blood sugar balance, reduce food cravings and block cholesterol from being absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream. (Image: stock)
​Wheatgrass juice
Having this on an empty stomach helps detox the liver, helping it remove excessive toxins, including bad cholesterol. (Image: stock)

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