Welcome To The Masculinism Movement

1 year ago

#MGTOW #MRA #Masculinity #Masculinism #Men

Hi everyone and welcome to the Masculinism Movement Channel, a place for men to be men and talk about masculinity and mens issues. The objective of this channel is mens liberation and empowerment, to help us in the war against masculinity called feminism. I will be attempting to address every aspect of masculinity and every masculine topic of every nature. From manliness, to MGTOW, to Mens Rights and the politics of masculinism, to Machismo, Misogyny, Misandry, Male Sovereignty & supremacy, and self actualization as a man. I’m going to be debating feminism and disproving its poor excuse for rhetoric and to bring about a return to the patriarchal values society once thrived upon. I will be exercising my full right to free speech here by speaking out against women and saying things that normally get censored on platforms like youtube and facebook and entire speakers get deplatformed, as I have been multiple times on each of those places as a sex educator who refused to conform to the feminist narrative and has always spoke my mind and told things how they were, I was stifled and it negatively impacted my success. And now I am here to speak out against this feminist tyranny. I’m not afraid of being accused of using hate speech and being misogynistic against women. In fact that is one of my very intentions here on this channel. It isn’t just for woman hating though, it’s also for glorifying men and masculinity and the prestige of the patriarchy.



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