Former Major Jesse Marcel & Witness Mrs Dan Wilmot- The Roswell Crash 1947

1 year ago

The author says that July 2, 1947, had been a very hot day in Roswell, and shortly before 10 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilmot were relaxing on the from porch of their home near the center of the city of about 15.000 residents, hoping to get some fresh air. suddenly, a large object "like two inverted saucers faced mouth-to-mouth appeared in the sky, streaking in from the southeast, glowing "as though light were showing through from inside." The UFO sped rapidly and silently northwest, towards Corona, about 85 miles from there in straight line.

Wilmot, a respected local businessman, reported this to the Roswell Daily Record about a week later, saying the object appeared to be 15 to 20 feet in diameter, flew at high speed "between 400 to 500 miles per hour" and passed over the city at about 1500 feet.

Pflock wonders how the size, speed, height of the UFO were estimated is not recorded, and these must be just guesses. Pflock then writes about the William Woody report, saying it was "about the same time that evening".

Further on, Pflock notes that the direction of the object as per the Wilmots is the exact opposite to the direction given by William Woody.

Further on, Pflock says that the idea that the Wilmots testimony is of a flying saucer is unsupported, and further on still, he says the Wilmot testimony could well be the same object reported by William Woody, ie a meteor, that the Woody sighting date is uncertain but could be July 2, 1947.


"Chapter 1: Flashes in the night", web page by Timothy Printy, in the Roswell section of his website, 1999 - 2017, at
The NICAP Website:
Wednesday. July 2, 1947

At 9:50 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilmot see an oval object, "like two inverted saucers faced mouth to mouth," passing over their house in Roswell, New Mexico. The object, moving at a high rate of speed, is heading northwest. (Ref. 1)

Ref. 1 - The Truth About Roswell - Randle, Schmitt


"The Roswell Incident - Timeline", web page by The NICAP Website, 2007, at

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