Dragon Fruit Farming With Method, Process And Health Benefits

1 year ago


Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit that has become very popular in recent years. Many farmers cultivate dragon fruit in a big way because of dragon fruit taste, medicinal value and demand in the fruit market. Those in urban localities, who lack sufficient space,

can take up cultivation on the roof. For example, a house built in 30×40 square feet can grow 30 plants on the terrace. Within two years, a person can produce and earn up to Rs 30,000 a year from dragon fruit farming, depending on the price in the market.
For the dragon fruit farming process, farmers must know all the procedures related to dragon fruit agriculture which is honestly reliable for those who want to earn money from Indian dragon fruit. Such Dragon fruit plant for sale are available in the Indian market.
The dragon fruit plant is a climbing, large cactus dragon fruit plant that grows tall, succulent-like branches, thickens and also produces bright red or yellow fruit. The fruit of the dragon fruit plant (called dragon fruit, papaya, strawberry pear pitahaya or cactus fruit) is dense, juicy, and sweet—noble.
Dragon fruit flower also produces some of the largest flowers in the world, often referred to as “night-blooming cereus,” which bloom as gorgeous white flowers for only one night. And fill the air with a unique tropical.
Dragon Fruit Farming Techniques And Process
1. Climate Requirement for Dragon Fruit in India
A key feature of these crops is that they can grow in extremes of temperature. Dragons grow well in poor soils but are best suited to tropical climates with 40–60 cm rainfall for growth. The temperature between 20°C to 30°C is considered best for growing dragon fruit crops. If your climate outside is too cold or too hot for dragon fruit, you can also successfully grow a potted dragon fruit plant.

Although dragon fruit is in the cactus family, it is not like the cacti you typically see in the desert. Dragon fruit is a subtropical cactus native to Central America and South America, which means it thrives in mild, humid environments.
2. How to Grow Dragon Fruit Plant From Seeds?
Dragon Fruit Farming is an easy way to grow your dragon fruit cactus. Be aware, however, that if you grow a dragon fruit plant from seed, it can take several years (sometimes up to five) to bear fruit.

Prepare the Soil Bed:- Dragon fruit tree requires full sun. So that plant chooses a sunny area in your garden or a sunny window that gets at least six hours of sunlight a day. For soil, choose well-draining soil. Dragon fruit is sensitive to “wet feet” or constantly wet roots and is rich in organic matter. Don’t use cactus soil – As tropical plants, dragon fruit prefers more water than other cactus and wants something that will retain moisture a bit better.
Prepare the Seeds:- Cut a ripe dragon fruit in half and remove the black seeds. Wash the fruit pulp and pulp from the seeds and place the seeds on a damp paper towel for at least twelve hours.
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