Melbourne Memorial Day - Forbidden to go to parliament & cars - 22 09 2022 - Part 8 of 10

1 year ago

Walking back up Burke street,

the big issue vender m.b.k 191 continually making a rude hand gesture to all the Memorial Day observers as they pass by on Burke Street.
It also stands up and move a bit closer to express his stance about how proud it is to make a rude hand gesture stand to show how much he is proud the police shot at unarmed innocent men - women and children as they fled away from vic pol shooting at them.
I guess he rather himself and everyone were killed by the government instead of people standing up for their right to live without being forced to have lethal injections.
This same rude person then started to approach me to hit me with his ID tag and walk into me.
His ID and phone numbers are on the ID Card of his.
Office Phone Number 9602 7600 and 0439 207 992.
He then made another extremely obscene scene with his hand and backside, he then started following me and walking right at me in order to walk over me to assault me.
Wonderful beautiful Memorial Day observers came to my rescue to protect me from this nutjob person who was being rude and insulting and assaulting to various Memorial Day observers.
This same nutjob would again be seen 2 days later at the Sabbath Day Melbourne Freedom Rally Protest

Moments later further up Burke Street meet with another nutjob with a foul mouth and like the previous nutjob, same attitude towards the Memorial Day observers and one could only assume he also wants to die at the hands of the government like the previous nutter due to their views and stance and attitude.

Met by what looked like a witch doctor looking character and other rowdy characters blocking the way and refusing to allow the Memorial Day observers up Burke Street to go towards parliament house.
Multiple people and an it came with their cameras and phones to take photo and video of the events unfolding.

Clowns In Costumes also refuse the Memorial Day observers to go up Burke Street towards parliament house.
Clowns In Costumes say they must go around the block.

Memorial Day observers go around the block through a side alleyway & met with 2 rowdy characters who boast about having 5 lethal injections and behaves rudely towards Memorial Day observers as they pass by.

Memorial Day observers walk to Little Burke Street and then up Little Burke Street towards Swanston Street to go back to their cars.
2 Criminals On Patrol continue to hide behind and come in and out around the corner from Spring Street to Little Burke Street to watch the Memorial Day observers come.
As Memorial Day observers walk towards Spring Street direction - a swarm of wicket evil violent riot police spread all across the footpath and road to prevent and forbid any Memorial Day observers to reach anywhere near Spring Street.

Recognise 43806 Assaulted Protester months earlier. The faces and see the face of the riot police as the same as who violently assaulted and attacked a Freedom Protest Rally man months earlier at the Victoria State Library when there was another protest happening where those other protesters were there wanting to kill children.

This Low Life Evil Scum vic pol riot Criminal On Patrol's own admission wanted to fight violently with a Freedom Protest Rally man to cause him harm at the protest months before.

The evil demonic low life parasites foreign mercenaries scum finally allowed the Memorial Day observers to go up further towards the direction of their cars, but through intimidation and their continual lines they hold barred off certain areas forbidding anyone to pass.

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