World famous Cat videos.

1 year ago

A Fun Guide to Tortoiseshell Cats
If you are looking for a cat with a coat that is a rich tapestry of colors and a personality to match - meet the tortoiseshell cat.
This breed of cat even has a rich history and according to Tortoiseshell Cats, a site in the UK:
Black cats have always been regarded as lucky, but stories about torties in particular go back to ancient times when the Celts believed that tortoiseshell cats brought good luck to their homes. It is still regarded as good luck in both Scotland and Ireland if a stray tortie settles in your home, and we certainly believe that any home with a tortie is a lucky one!
These are a beautifully painted, loving, and attention-seeking cat whose very history claims that they are a sign of luck.

But if you are wondering where they get their distinct look...

This is Where it Gets Confusing
As beautiful as the tortoiseshell cats are, it can be difficult to pinpoint certain things about them since there is not an individual tortoiseshell cat breed. In fact, the tortoiseshell coloring is what is found in a variety of breeds and is caused (or gifted) by x-linked genes. The name for this is the beautiful phrase, mosaic expression.

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