All of the 24th Russian Spetsnaz forces destroyed by Ukraine

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All of the 24th Russian Spetsnaz forces destroyed by Ukraine's special battalion in Mariupol! uk Since February 24, it looks like Mariupol is one of the Ukrainian cities where violence has been the worst. Since the first few days, the city has been brutally attacked, and more than 80% of it has been hit. Last week, Russian troops moved into the center of Mariupol. This was the first big change to the campaign since the invasion began. As the Russian army moved into the northeast and east of the city, the Ukrainian Armed Forces split into two groups. But Russia lost a lot of people and things in these wars. During the long siege, the Ukrainian military destroyed many Russian units. The Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to wipe out the Citizens Division of the Russian Special Forces.
This was one of the most important units that was wiped out. The Russian army bombed Mariupol until it was completely destroyed, and the city also became a graveyard for their military gear. We're talking about fights that went on for more than seven weeks in total. Russia says that Mariupol is a very busy place. However, the Ukrainian Armed Forces say that these claims are not true. Valerie Salizzoni, who is in charge of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, said in a statement that Mariupol is still being protected in a long-term way.Satellite pictures of the area haven't been released in a while. Because of this, it doesn't seem possible to fully back up either claim. But a satellite picture analysis by Masai Analytics shows that the Ukrainian Armed Forces still control the city. Like this video and subscribe to our channel if you want to see more videos like this.

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