Why are so many bond investors willing to accept lower returns on publicly owned company bonds?

1 year ago

Good question.

Most investors only invest in financial products their broker makes available to them in their online software. For that reason they only see the lower returns offered by public company bonds or perhaps government debt options.

Alamo Mortgage Holdings, Ltd a privately held United Kingdom company, offers corporate income bonds that offer higher rates of return than UK gilts.

Alamo Mortgage Holdings, Ltd a privately held United Kingdom company offers corporate income bonds that pay hundreds of basis points more than UK government gilts and most importantly can be US dollar denominated not Sterling bonds.

Another added advantage to Alamo Mortgage Holdings corporate income bonds is for investors that think the GBP is going to continue to weaken against the USD you can choose to be paid in GBP or USD.

Alamo Mortgage Holdings sells GBP denominated bonds and then purchases packages of US mortgage notes in the United States in the State of Texas.

The company receives payments in US dollars when purchasing packages of mortgage notes. As a result, we can offer higher returns to Uk institutional and accredited investors.

If you would like to learn more go to www.alamomortgageholdings.co.uk/ and fill out the contact form to request some free information to schedule a Zoom or Google Meet introductory call.

I wish you good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller, Managing Director
Alamo Mortgage Holdings, Ltd.

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