The Twins in the mother's womb

1 year ago



Twins grow either in the same egg or in a different egg.

1- dizygotic twins:

Two eggs are fertilized by 2 sperm and nest on the walls of the uterus. This situation most often occurs in the same menstrual cycle and the twins are conceived at the same time; twins can sometimes have a different gestational age if they are conceived one or two months apart (rare). They are still born simultaneously. The two eggs then form two different egg cells.

2- monozygotic twins

An egg is fertilized by a sperm and the resulting egg cell splits into two, forming two embryos that have the same genetic makeup. They are often very similar physically. As they age, monozygotic twins differentiate themselves as a result of personal choices such as food, physical and intellectual activities... as well as life experiences. Schooling is also an important step in this area of differentiation, In Kodinji, in the north of the state of Kerala, the twins are intriguing. Indeed, 440 twins live in this locality of 14,600 inhabitants; an exceptional figure.


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