Dad headbutts headteacher after school called him to collect badly behaved daughter

1 year ago

Shaun Pattyson and his accomplice were approached to get the young lady from Chesterton People group Sports School in Newcastle under-Lyme, Staffordshire.
An irate dad headbutted a headteacher in the wake of being brought in to gather a youngster because of their rowdy way of behaving.

Shaun Pattyson, 27, and his accomplice were approached to get the young lady from Chesterton People group Sports School in Newcastle under-Lyme, Staffordshire, because of social issues.

A court heard that while headteacher Robert Swindells was having a discussion with the youngster's mum, the litigant drew nearer, faced him and butted him.

The arraignment charge he proceeded with the attack by punching and kicking the person in question.
North Staffordshire Equity Center was informed the school had been encountering issues with the understudy for quite a while with issues including swearing at instructors during examples.

Emma Thompson, indicting, said Mr Swindells has worked at the school for a very long time and has been head for quite some time.

The kid's folks were brought in on May 9, Stir up on-Trent Live reports.

Miss Thompson said: "The headteacher had a discussion with the youngster's mum on the telephone and she said she would come promptly to gather the kid.

"The kid went to the front entry and started being discourteous. In no less than 10 minutes the kid's folks showed up.

"The mother moved toward the front entry and yelled at the kid to get a telephone. The kid went to gather the telephone.

"The litigant showed up and faced
The headteacher. The headteacher couldn't recollect what he shared with him yet the respondent was swearing at him before head butting him. It associated with the right half of his face just beneath his right eye. He promptly tumbled to the floor because of the headbutt. He felt the respondent kick and punch him for around 10 seconds."
The respondent made full and plain affirmations in his police interview.

Miss Thompson added: "He said he headbutted the headteacher. He was shown
The CCTV and let it be known was him head butting, punching and kicking the person in question. He said he accepted the headteacher was a domineering jerk and to that end he attacked him."

Pattyson, of Bucknall, Stir up on-Trent, confessed to normal attack.

Addressing himself, the litigant said: "I'll concede to headbutting him since I did. I concede to punching him. I didn't kick him. On the off chance that this is on CCTV, show it to demonstrate I didn't kick him."

Justices concluded the case for an "all choices" pre-sentence report to be ready on the respondent. He will next show up at the court on October 25 and his bail was expanded.

Pattyson will be condemned one month from now.

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