10/1/22 SNL with AxeTruth - Saturday NIght Smackdown

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Another SNL Axetruth smack down with original COMEDY on variety of political & pop culture topics.

1. Who the real Nazi's are, lead by a family the Rothschilds , now 2022 we have the largest transfer of wealth from the 99% to 1%

2. How Banks will do you with Digital Money, a cashless society

3. Kneegrows on the Plantation like the condition America is in , they love struggle, they are the forever slaves.

4. Axetruth breakdowns Vladimir Putin made pivotal speech , about the West, the corruption, no moral values.
a.) Comedy is so boring now because of political correctness, the Democrats give me so much material they done went off the deep end.

5. The special blacks , the Tariq Nasheed #FBA and #ADOS , Tariq got them tiktok tities
We want Reparations crowd.

6. We have Honkey Slaves, here is a Honkey Female who got Bells Palsey by the Covid19 vaccine says she does not care, she would get the jab again.

7. Schools are setting up chat spaces for kids to discuss LGBTQ issues , this is very dangerous

8. All these End of the World, Pandemic, catastrophe movies on AMAZON , HULU, and Netflix .. WHO'S WATCHING THIS SHIT! ..

9. HBO/Max is being sued by their investors for lying about their subscriber count. None of these subscription services are making any money.

10. Today in Mad Racist Honkey news...
Massa Honkey Biden - shout out to the Hispanics , & Mizz Millie Pelosi says we can't ship off these hispanics , we need them pick the crops , Kelly Osborne says if we kick the Hispanics who's going to clean our toilets ... the White liberal see's them as the "new niggas"

11. Beto O'Rourke has no chance of winning in Texas, he's running just to STEAL campaign cash.

12. Resident Joke Biden says " Jackie, where's Jackie?," Joe Biden says about Rep. Jackie Walorski who died in a car accident a few months ago

13. Kumguzzler Harris says Hurricane Ian Relief aid should be given out to POC first for equity.

14. In New York City, a EMS Lieutenant was stabbed to death today, the video is weird because all those stab wounds there was no blood

15. Lizzo was the Show Monkey Mammie at Madison Square garden she playing the flute & twerking .

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