Justin Castro’s “Liberal” “Environmental” Agents in Hazmat Suits

1 year ago

A gentleman named Wayne N. provided footage of his encounter with these “Environmental” Agents in Hazmat Suits as they are caught Poisoning Fish in a New Brunswick River on September 8th 2022 in Canada, just North of Maine. They were caught releasing a toxic chemical into the water upstream of a fish barrier. Wayne pulls the chemical tube out of the water, shuts it off and tells off the security escorts while much of the toxic chemical spills on his jeans. Wayne saw at least 50 fish killed in just the few moments that they had released the chemical. You can guess the many scams and headlines they were going to run to either end human access to the region or create an environment scare leading to some “climate change” legislation or any number of hoaxes and scams that could be created to take away people’s rights or access to their environment.

Remember what we are up against here: the world’s predator class have committed (via the Club of Rome, CFR, WEF, etc.) to the strategy of using “climate change” and the ongoing environmental catastrophe that they created and funded as a wedge to separate you from your rights and your access to wild Nature. As this video evidences: they have been and will continue to commit crimes against Nature, blame it on you and then use their crimes to take away your rights and access.

We must stop them by exposing their crimes for all the world to see and making sure that anybody involved in “globalism” can never attain a position of influencing, creating or enforcing public policy. Please SHARE Far and Wide!! https://t.me/DavidAvocadoWolfe

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