Liver Diseases_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY

1 year ago

There are many types of liver disease, which can be caused by infections, inherited conditions, obesity and misuse of alcohol. Over time, liver disease may lead to scarring and more serious complications. Early treatment can help heal the damage and prevent liver failure.
Your liver is your body’s second-largest organ (after the skin). It sits just under your ribcage on the right side and is about the size of a football. The liver separates nutrients and waste as they move through your digestive system. It also produces bile, a substance that carries toxins out of your body and aids in digestion.
The term “liver disease” refers to any of several conditions that can affect and damage your liver. Over time, liver disease can cause cirrhosis (scarring). As more scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue, the liver can no longer function properly. Left untreated, liver disease can lead to liver failure and liver cancer.
Different types of liver disease result from different causes. Liver disease may result from:
Viral infections: Hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are diseases caused by a viral infection.
Problems with your immune system: When your immune system mistakenly attacks your liver, it can cause autoimmune liver diseases. These include primary biliary cholangitis and autoimmune hepatitis.
Inherited diseases: Some liver problems develop because of a genetic condition (one you inherit from your parents). Inherited liver diseases include Wilson disease and hemochromatosis.
Cancer: When abnormal cells multiply in your liver, you may develop tumors. These tumors may be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (liver cancer).
Consuming too many toxins: Alcoholic fatty liver disease is the result of misusing alcohol. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) results from consuming too much fat. NAFLD is becoming more common as rates of obesity and diabetes rise.
Some types of liver disease (including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease) rarely cause symptoms. For other conditions, the most common symptom is jaundice — a yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes. Jaundice develops when your liver can’t clear a substance called bilirubin.
Other signs of liver disease may include:
Abdominal (belly) pain (especially on the right side).
Bruising easily.
Changes in the color of your urine or stool.
Nausea or vomiting.
Swelling in your arms or legs (edema).
Music affects a person, it can calm and cheer up, sounds can heal. The therapeutic effect is due to the frequency fluctuations of various sounds that resonate with various organs of the body. Sounds have bioresonance compatibility with the vibrations of human internal organs, which is the basis of the positive effect of sound treatment. The sound vibrations of music trigger many mechanisms of higher nervous activity in the patient's subconscious and start the healing process.
Sound therapy does not replace medical treatment, but complements it, improves the positive dynamics of treatment and speeds up recovery.
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