放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★75

1 year ago


What is yoga?
What does "yoga" mean?
In the process of yoga practice, it includes five aspects: "corresponding to the environment", "corresponding to the action", "corresponding to the principle", "corresponding to the effect" and "corresponding to the machine".
Correspondence to the environment is the recognition of the essence of all things without breaking the rules. Corresponding to action means that through practicing meditation, one can gain insight into action and be consistent by entering into concentration and giving birth to wisdom. Corresponding with the principles refers to the integration of meditation and teachings; the teachings are the theory of the two truths of the true and the conventional established by the peace of mind and the peace of mind. Correspondence to fruition is the unity of the practitioner and the fruition of the unsurpassed bodhi path (right knowledge and enlightenment) attained. Corresponding to the machine is to get the fruit and save the life and save the life, and go to the machine to respond to the medicine and disease.
Among these five types of correspondence, most of the esoteric and esoteric religions take "reasonableness" and "action correspondence". The corresponding reason lies in the corresponding name of the law, which is called "the yoga of consciousness only". Correspondence of action emphasizes the unity of action, so meditation is the corresponding one.
Meditation is at the top of the Five Correspondences. Contemplating things with one mind is Zen, and contemplating one state of mind is meditation. To obtain the samadhi of the state of meditation, the first is to practice Zen. Meditation at the beginning of meditation is the first step in opening the Dharma door.
Yoga originated in India and is popular all over the world. It is one of the oldest body strengthening techniques in the East, which originated in BC and is the crystallization of human wisdom. Yoga is the method by which the sages of India realized and recognized life from intuition in the deepest state of visualization and tranquility.
Today's yoga has been the practice of the human body science that the Indian people have summed up from practice for thousands of years. It is no longer a secret only limited to a few recluses. There are many schools in India that specialize in yoga, and they are widely used all over the world. spread.
Yoga leads people from ignorance to wisdom. Due to ignorance in daily life, the body and mind suffer from anxiety and pain, and the people suffer from various diseases. Through the practice of yoga, people's ignorant material can be turned into wisdom, and the disease can be cured from then on, and the body and mind will not be healthy for a year.

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