Why do my friends on Universal Credit not go to food banks?

1 year ago

Why do my friends on Universal Credit not go to food banks?

The left keep telling us how people need food banks.

Yet in the real world, my friends cope on Universal Credit.

The thing is, they live within there means. By this I mean one of my friends owns a car, but he got it second hand, and paid £800 for it. He has an iPhone, but not the latest (same as my iPhone).

However, if my friends cope on Universal Credit, the question is why when those people wanting to look good, set up food banks, people seem to need them.

A few months ago out of interest, we had a look at a few local food banks local to the area. People came out, and many would have a sig. We noticed some people made a phone call on very expensive iPhones. Then drove off in new or newish cars.

Food banks may indeed do more harm than good. Rather than help people, in some cases people will buy beer and so on, rather than food, knowing these people will give them food. It may be people rely on others more and more for handouts, like a child with a parent. Becoming less and less independent.

While food banks make people feel great who run them, giving them the opportunity to tell others that they do great work. One suspects, food banks do huge harm. Encouraging people to spend money not in a wise way, such as beer rather than food. Making people less independent.

Yes, running a food bank, will make you feel good about yourself (especially for the left wing middle class, or the religiose types), but I would suggest they do great harm.

The question remains, is how come people on our council estate and many others are not needing food banks.


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