Fallen angel avatar elite do not consider vaccinated people as humans but new specie homo-borgenesis

1 year ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (October 2022). Satan Lucifer and the Illuminati top hierarchy Shambhala “White Lodge Brotherhood” “ascended masters fake light beings” “Venusian Pleiadian Ashtar Abrasax fake aliens” “Twilight Saga children’s adrenochrome blood vampires” fallen angel devils and their Illuminati NWO Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist feminist globalist elites do not consider the people, who received their COVID Coronavirus fake pandemic biochemical weapon AI “black goo” femtobot nanite 5G remote extermination t-Veronica zombie virus Borg fake vaccine, as no longer being homo-sapiens specie humans made in the image of the Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus with human souls, but instead, they consider them as their own “patented property” new cybernetic chimera specie of Borg zombie servants, who they are calling the homo-BorgGenesis. It is Satan Lucifer’s copying of God’s Book of Genesis creation of man, but it is not a real creation and it is only a fake perversion of God’s humans. Satan Lucifer’s CIA disinformation agents Steven BenNun and Jana BenNun (fake names and fake Jews) are lying when they say that you will not lose your soul even if you receive the COVID Coronavirus vaccine and that the 4th vaccine Luciferase biometric ID tattoo will not be the “Mark of the Beast.” Do not listen to them. All their prophecy dates to get donations have been wrong, so far. They keep introducing new fantastic world calamity dates to keep the donators giving money to them for false information. They are not Christians, but they are Illuminati polytheist occultist Gnostic fake Christians. End of transmission…

They did not like Max Spiers and James Casbolt’s video yesterday. They were trying to kill me frantically, last night. Both of my hands were numb when I woke up, so they were probably attacking my heart viciously. I know the night before that, when I was sleeping on my left side, I was getting bolts of pain in my heart like some kind of lightning hitting it off and on constantly. I laughed at them and went back to sleep. They must have been vibrating and heating up my intestines also, aside from the usual vibration and heating of my genital and buttocks, because there was gas build up in the intestines when I woke up. It felt like they were opening my mouth when I woke up. During couple of times when they woke me up at night, my mouth was dry and my teeth were all sticking to the inside of my mouth like glue. It could be because they keep my mouth open or it could be due to the CIA microwave oven weapon cooking alive that dries the body. That could be the cause of the crack opening up in the middle of my tongue, too. God heals. I know they are doing something while I sleep, like the cowards they are, because both of my hands palm and fingers are dried up and wrinkled all the time, and the back of my hands are extremely dry and wrinkled and saggy. The drying up and peeling of my big toe on the left feet could also be from that, or it could be a separate attack. They are Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble heartburn and dryer hell’s army. As the Word of God says, when they attack, they get destroyed, and we real Christian “Body of Christ” become more stronger and healthier. They can only kill very easily the Western feminist nations’ cowardly traitor pastors and religious Christian hordes, who are hiding in silence and fear and safety from assassination attempts and safety from slaughtered families and safety from ridicule by church donators, who are fake “Bible’s watchmen on the wall” that have the blood of 6 billion humans on their hands, and who make the enemy laugh at our God.

Photos at: https://mewe.com/i/chapihezver
Photos at: https://gab.com/humanracesurvivalresistance
Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100018513877047

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