Monkey eating Fruit and playing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

1 year ago

The monkey is the animal that I love most. I have a special place in my heart for monkeys.

Monkeys are very energetic and playful creatures. They live in the trees and spend their days climbing and jumping from one branch to another, eating fruit, and playing with each other. The monkeys also sleep at night by moving from one tree to another.

When I was a child, I used to play at home with my parents, sister or brother. We would play hide and seek in our backyard or we would go out for a walk together in the park or on the beach. We would also play tag or musical chairs at school or church socials.

My favorite game was called hide-and-seek where we had to hide ourselves in different places around our yard or house until someone found us while they were looking for us! My favorite place to hide was under a tree because it was shady and cool there when it got hot outside!

I loved going on long walks with my mom because she always made sure that we went off road so that we wouldn't run into traffic which could be dangerous sometimes! Here's what she would say

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