2022 SEP 12 End Surveillance Capitalism - a cancer, seeds of tyrannical design, Pegasus its prodigy

1 year ago

The Pegasus scandals are appalling. If we want to prevent more of them, we must address the deeper problem: the cancer of surveillance capitalism, aided and abetted by the EU and its Member States, including #Ireland.

Transcript of Speech by Clare Daly MEP Ireland:

I too condemn the use of spyware by Greece against journalists and opposition. I’m Glad we’re debating it because to be honest we didn’t deal efficiently enough with similar revelations against out Catalan MEP Colleagues.

But the truth is that this scandal really is just the tip of an iceberg. The design, sale, and use of spying technologies doesn’t happen by accident.

It’s a business, a branch not only of Israel, but also of the European arms industry.

We funded it through an EU budget, by financing research and development, by producing the products to use them on desperate migrants on our borders and in third countries.
We encourage surveillance commerce.

As far back as 2011, Wikileaks published a trove of brochures of these companies gathered from cyber arm fairs in European capitals, where security services browse for weapons of mass surveillance.

We can’t say we weren’t warned.

We can’t say these are isolated cases.

If we are serious about putting an end to it, we need to kick out the arms dealers and lobbyists out of Brussels turn off the tap of their funding and put an end to the cancer of surveillance capitalism

 RELATED: Taming Pegasus: A Way Forward on Surveillance Tech Proliferation https://privacyinternational.org/news-analysis/4602/taming-pegasus-way-forward-surveillance-tech-proliferation

 RELATED: The Global Surveillance Industry. https://privacyinternational.org/explainer/1632/global-surveillance-industry

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ORIGINAL SOURCE DETAILS: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=855436605616138
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