BRAVE and FREE: Winning the Fight for Medical Freedom (Episode 7)

1 year ago

Oct 03, 2022

Joshua Yoder reveals some shocking revelations as a US Army flight medic. And his reports are disturbingly alarming.

It’s getting to the point where we may stop flying for a while because pilots are collapsing (or at high risk of collapsing) from sudden cardiac arrests mid-flight, thousands of feet in the air!

Even the Department of Defense was caught falsifying data on pilot deaths and casualties resulting from the Covid vaxx, and they’re in court for it!

“And one of the largest things that we're seeing right now among the pilot population is vaccine injuries. There have been two pilot deaths just in the past two weeks. When issues are reported …

The response from the FAA is even more concerning. They essentially came back after 30 days and said, "We don't believe this is an issue that warrants an investigation." This has to come from a Department of Defense level in order to manipulate the data.”

We must stand up to tyranny. And Joshua shares his plans to end the globalist agenda before 9/11 repeats right before our eyes.

Next, you’ll hear from the Yugoslavian-born health expert, Dr. Kat Lindley.

She starts her session with shocking insights into how the US government planned to swipe a strategy from China’s playbook on how to subtly take away the American dream and create a communist slavish society under one totalitarian government.

“I was born in communist Yugoslavia. So when things were starting to happen early on in the pandemic I realized what was happening. They kept on piling footage from China. They were telling us, "Unless you are essential, you need to stay home."

They started with, "If you stay six feet apart, you can go to the grocery. If you start wearing a mask, you can start doing this. Eventually, if you have this experimental vaccine, you can do more," and that's actually what happens in totalitarian regimes. They propagate fear. ”

She didn’t stop there. As an experienced physician, she also tells you how to protect your medical freedom from those that are out to violate it … and why you must get yourself in a strong circle as we fight back against the global tyranny that’s looming.

Next, you’ll hear from Scott McKay, who has over 40 years of experience in the wellness industry as he lays out the critical moving parts in this war against the global criminal empire.

Scott talks about how the Globalists are trying all they can to poison and maim our kids by, for example, putting asbestos in our baby powders.

“I come from the wellness industry and these consumer products market, that's the market they're killing us with. Johnson & Johnson have been sued twice for putting asbestos in baby powder. Where do we use baby powder? On your baby's butt. Why would you put asbestos in this? Think about it. It's obvious.

There's a reason for it. What is it? Well, we know what it is. We know a systematic elimination of humanity based on the World Economic Forum policies to thin the herd.”

You’ll also learn how they skillfully forced all the holistic companies to go bankrupt while “funding” their lap dogs with incentives during the Covıd lockdown.

Personally what stood out to me the most, while chatting with Scott, is how we all need to stop funding this agenda … because most Americans keep buying from these companies run by behind the scenes by Big Pharma.

He also lists a number of these companies that sell toxic, life-shortening, consumer products for Big Pharma so that you can STOP paying their agenda forward.

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