Been Fooled (Food Pyramid, Intentional Misinformation, and Health Degradation)

1 year ago

If you think the Food Pyramid is a healthy diet guide, think again (also - you might wanna turn down the volume for the first few seconds of this one). Mike, Jon, and Tom discuss food, the thing Tom has been more wrong about than anything else in his life, food as poison, itchy boxer shorts, unusual thirst, hypoglycemia versus hyperglycemia, slightly elevated blood sugar level, Mountain Dew, Richard K Bernstein, enrolling in medical school at middle age, Wikipedia is a dangerous source of information, everything is an energy exchange, paleo and caveman diets, natural versus processed foods, essential proteins and fats, traditional diet of the Inuit, Weston A Price, dental cavities and general tooth decay, teething of children in non-modernized communities, apparently germs don’t exist and 5G causes Covid-19, Sir Isaac Newton , Albert Einstein is a rank amateur, general quackery, some people must hate ducks, lobotomies were actually a thing, John Harvey Kellogg, eating cereal and sexually transmitted diseases, Ancel Keys, fats versus carbohydrates versus sugars versus proteins, the sugar industry and other corporate food lobbies, disposal income and diet and smoking, the food pyramid is based on industry lobby influence and not consumer health, ketosis is your natural state, most calories are burned just keeping your body going, resting metabolic energy requirements, 3500 kcal per lb of fat takes a lots of physical activity to burn off, you can take what Tom says as medical advice, don’t trust large organizations, Fat Fiction documentary, genesis and development of the Food Pyramid, TV dinners, health guidelines for adults and children, cholesterol is not the problem, fuel cleaner for your blood, onions and garlic and alcohol, eating fat and drinking beer lowers your blood sugar level, following the food pyramid will make you gain weight, FDA fundamental conflict of interest between food industry and citizen health, eat fat, eat healthy, fast food calorie counts, and Jon is not close to being a health nut.

#Food #BigGovernment #CorporateLobbies #FoodPyramid #Fat #Carbohydrate #Diet #Diabetes #HeartDisease

Fat Fiction - How the Food Pyramid was Created

Richard K Bernstein - How he Fundamentally Changed the Practice of Medical

A Tribute to Richard K Bernstein MD FACE FACN FCCWS

Wikipedia Co-Founder: I no longer trust the website I created

Who was Weston A Price?

Dr John Kellogg - Inventing Cereal and Some Other Stuff

Long-term Trends in Diabetes

Ancel Keys

Records found in dusty basement undermine decades of dietary advice

Sugar Industry and Coronary Heart Disease Research

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