Zuby: Real Talk About Australia

1 year ago

Zuby is an internationally recognised rap and hip hop artist who also achieved fame as the champion British female deadlift record holder (238kg).

Designed to raise awareness of the absurdity of biological men competing against biological women in sport, the stunt eclipsed his music success and he was thrust into the culture wars where he has been offering previously common - but now exceedingly rare - takes on society.

He continues to self publish his music and books, as well as tour internationally as a keynote speaker on a variety of his interests including music, cryptocurrency, culture, and self-improvement.

He kindly agreed to an extended interview with Discernable in the suburbs of Melbourne where we could explore his views in a specifically Australian context.

Watch the full interview at: https://discernable.io/zuby-real-talk-about-australia

We discussed:
Zuby's brush with transgenderism
Wokeism as a set of 'goofy' ideas that fail empirically
The valid criticisms that created wokeism
The world does not manifest 'equality'
Gender quotas for no purpose
Structural and systemic sexism and the lack of female representation
What is behind the woke mentality? Pathology? Loneliness? Valid criticisms?
Objective and subjective truth
The solution to wokeism
Internal vs external locus of control the main indicator
Defining problems properly
The artform of rap music. Is it rhythmic poetry?
How to understand rap and hip hop
Deconstructing rap lyrics
Viewing Australia's craziness from overseas
The politicisation of health
The lens of power and money explains everything in every country
Why Zuby permanently left the UK
Something broke permanently during the pandemic
No apologies have been issued
The moral bankruptcy of pandemic measures
What Zuby thinks of lockdowns
Why Zuby came to Australia
What Zuby thinks of the Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews
What Zuby found when he arrived in Australia
How Australia differs from other countries
Australian bureaucracy culture
Zuby's life goals
Australia 'The Lucky Country'
Zuby's one wish - The Great Awakening

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