Aliens have arrived and set up medical facilities #alien #aliens #medical #medicine

1 year ago

Aliens have arrived and set up medical facilities around the world that can cure any disease. However, for each visit you will be anal probed for a day as the cost. How would this impact the medical and Healthcare industry now that doctors and medicine are optional?
They’d better have an extensive DVD library if I’m gonna be there all day.
Do we get any say about the size or shape of the probe?
Cure my diabetes and free anal probing? sign me up right now
Don't threaten me with a good time.
You know those people who pretend to have serious medical ailments to get narcotics? Like that, but for anal stimulation.
I think Pornhub would finally be able to move on from step family porn.
My current doctor only charges a half day anal probe.
I mean, as long as they hit my Prostate right I’m down.
Wide spread anal prolapse might become a problem that anal surgery become the only surgery doctors have to do.
Can you just go for the probing and skip the health check?
Can their medical facilities cure mental illness too? If yes, get the flocking lube, Im tired of my depression and my borderline disorder
Medical industry, how big of a hit do you think the sex shops are gonna take?
I have Crohns disease. do you have any flocking idea how many times Ive been anal probed WITHOUT a cure?
Nice try South Park
They already shove a camera down my throat and up my ass every four to six months (I just hope it's not the same camera going in both ends), and I imagine the aliens wouldn't charge for the mild anesthesia it takes to make it bearable.
They are just acting like my dogs vet .We would be like animals to them so why not first thing take my tempature .
Oh yeah! Probe me daddy UWU!
I would 100% do this and encourage anyone to do so just to flock up big pharma like theyve flocked up so many lives
You know there will be people perfectly healthy who do it for fun and the aliens would be like “Not again Greg, you were here 3 times this week, you’re fine. Get the flock out of here!”
I’m pretty sure a dying man would take the anal probing rather than die.....
Unemployed doctors and the pharmaceutical industry will become obsolete. I mean, getting probed for a day doesn't sound very appealing to me, but neither does undergoing chemotherapy and dialysis.
What if the thing you needed to cure was constipation?
I get all diseases cured AND a bunch of stuffs poking up my ass? I’m flocking in bois
Would they also fix teeth ?
The way American healthcare flocks you is way worse than being literally flocked
The government would never allow it we would go to war over the money.
Boomers would die. Younger generations would most likely be all over it lol
Dude as someone who lives in the USA. Shove that probe right on up if I get free healthcare. I get flocked harder by the bill in the actual real system for longer than a day anyways.
free colonoscopy and infinite immunity. what is the question over here?

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