Learn New Secrets In Occult Sciences Learn To That How It Works.

1 year ago

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Learn New Secrets In Occult Sciences Learn To That How It Works.

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About This Channel

Hello! Assalam ualbumm to all my name is Kazi sheharyar Iqbal bypassingn i am an advocate(lawyer).
In this channel i am going to give you knowledge about accult science and their relationwith the quran.
I am sure there are a lot of people who have created channels about occult science butunfortunatelyy there are very few to almost no people who know proper knowledge about this subject. occult science is a properly defined knowledge but there are a lot of myths about this subject that has been created by people who did not know much about this subject so now i have decided to give you proper information about this subject.
Inshallah, i will try my best to give you all the knowledge about occult science and its relation now the Quran and answer d all those questions that have been in your mind.
I am sure you will learn something beneficial from this channel.
have a great day!

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