Refuting Yugopnik: Why Gamers Should NOT Be Against Capitalism

1 year ago

People like Yugopnik are completely ignorant of the fundamental basics of economics and like every other socialist he blames capitalism for every flaw there is. However, as I've argued many times before, the world isn't perfect and like all socialists, he doesn't understand prices.

Yugopnik illustrates this with his ignorance of what profits are, he merely views every transaction as a one-way street, as if the consumer is not a beneficiary of transactions only looking where the money goes. Like I've pointed out numerous times before, profits and losses are two of the most important pieces of information required for understanding consumers needs and wants.

Without him going into detail, you can tell what his so-called solution is, which would end in catastrophe. Like I've noted before, it's capitalism in this mixed economy that made all this technology possible and as for the Soviet Union, it got all of its technology from the West.

Without capitalism, relative to the previous argument I made on inflation, you'd be faced plunging toward hyperinflation and if he argues for a moneyless based economy, that's just as bad, that would prove he doesn't comprehend the need for money in order for trade to take place, as well as the requirement of price information signals to convey what consumers needs and wants are.

Game designers have a tough job trying to please people given that they can only go by what people are spending on. They also know that it is very difficult to please everyone, like the Assassin's Creed series, there are those they will please and others they will disappoint.

Perhaps Yugopnik has a reasonable point on some issues about production time and repetition, but I think that may have more to do with the available technology today, such as the power of the average consoles and computers, as well as the larger the games are, the greater the memory they take up. Therefore, comparing a game the size of Odyssey including all expansions to previous titles, the larger games would take up a lot more memory. I would imagine the more powerful technology grows, the more flexibility game designers will have in game design.

He assumes that game designers merely put out quantity over quality, as if that's their sole concentration, but such an argument ignores that in order for you to make more sales on those type of games, you have to provide some quality at least. Assassin's Creed Valhalla I thought was a high quality game, but there were the critiques talking about repetition, etc. This is the point, you're not going to please everyone.

It's also important to note, businesses need to try and produce quality to some extent to make sales, it's not a case where they can just completely bat it aside and then guarantee sales. Clearly they make sales from games they're putting out as people are willing to pay for them.

All that being said, thinking that moving towards a strongly socialist based economy is going to fix all the imperfections is simply ludicrous, not only would you end up with your economy decimated not being able to afford anything, you'd destroy the incentive for innovation and productivity.

You can check out my argument on profits and losses that correlate to the economic calculation problem here:

His argument is really just a repetition and I don't find it a rational critique of capitalism at all, especially when he doesn't provide his so-called 'solutions'. I found myself reading many of the critiques on recent Assassin's Creed games and if you want my honest opinion, the critiques are overboard and I feel like today's young gamers have become so pampered and spoiled. Whereas, someone like myself who came from an age where we had Amstrad computers with graphics that were 10 times worse than Playstation one, where you literally had to type "Run Badcat" to play games, these young ones cannot see how good they have it.

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