Amazing Video of A Huge Snake Around My Neck

1 year ago

Are you afraid of #snakes? I think Snakes are cool #animals. There are a lot of different types of Snakes out there. Some are Venomous and some are not.

I know that a lot of people are afraid of Snakes. However but I'm here to let you know that Snakes aren't that bad. There have been a lot of movies portraying Snakes as Man eating animals. But that is a 100% false. Humans are not part of a Snakes diet. In fact, Snakes will go out of their way to avoid Humans.

So please if you see a Snake, do not kill it. Just simply walk away. Snakes serve a purpose and we can't get in the way of that.

One more thing about Snakes is that believe it or not, Venomous Snakes are most likely to bite less. The reason is because Venom is expensive to Snakes and they also can't risk breaking a fang on something they can't eat, like Humans.

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