The Woke Movement, Emissary of Light, Archangel Lucifer

1 year ago

I've had some unusual dreams, that is the spark of this conversation which is also about the WOKE Movement. What is it to be open-minded or to lose yourself to something that is an influence, and how would you even know what is coming from inside or outside of yourself when it comes to the decisions you make? I talk a lot about the Alchemy of Divine Truth as our only genuine balance, and how do you find it? You find it by asking questions of yourself, of your beliefs, of your feelings, of everything within and around you, you ask questions about society and the world you exist in, you explore your heart and what makes you afraid to be you, what are you afraid of? – Now answer that question. This guides you to new understandings in deeply knowing who YOU are. You are all You have and that is a very precious relationship you're building. You can't run from yourself, you can try, only to be again, with yourself. Be sure you're making self-loving decisions and not changing yourself so you can be more likable or fit in, in some new way. I talk about judgement, joining bandwagons vs being yourself, also about being human and having psychic/spiritual experiences and what that's like for me, and how do I fit in as being myself or how am I rejected and how do I deal with that? I talk about what is a Light Worker and a true Emissary of Light, about speaking vs not speaking and how important your voice is in order to be present, and your self-expression is the gift of YOU in this world, and YOU as YOU are, is so important. Don't be anything but YOU, but in order to know what that is, you must challenge yourself in what you say, what you do, what you think, and what you think you know, and even what it is to be human or beyond human and to be as genuinely honest in all that you are and NOT CHANGE anything to please anyone else or to please any kind of movement either. To make decisions to please others isn't going to make you happy or even safe in the experience of living. To live as YOU are, even if it rubs others the wrong way, is true freedom to be yourself even if that freedom comes with a cost, don't be afraid of the cost of freedom. I also talk about Archangel Lucifer and what it means to be criminalized, even when you are benevolent. Isn't that also Jesus's story on some level? Do we worship Jesus or do we just simply appreciate him, or do we persecute him for influencing a world of love over fear? All of those approaches to Jesus are true, so which represents the Alchemy of Divine Truth about Jesus? Is Divine Truth asking us to worship him or persecute him, or just love him the way he loved us? Now how about Archangel Lucifer? All fingers point to persecuting that guy! And what do we know about Archangel Lucifer except what we are told? Do we blindly believe everything we are told, and WHY WOULD WE DO THAT?!?!?!? You see the questions that lead us to the Alchemy of Divine Truth? In the end, please do not change YOU because this world said it was a good idea or it's what everybody else is doing or because you are weak enough to just want to fit in. I want to fit in too but I won't ever fit in. Nobody in this world will ever fit in because the question is, what are we trying to fit into? I keep trying to understand the basic Alchemies of Divine Truth and it's hard for me too, but I know that not fitting in is creating my own unique gift to the world and that's a good thing. So, I talk in this video about all this stuff. I want to thank you for taking the time to explore my discussion, for reading this message even, and for simply being present in this world today. There is no Human Race without each other, now solving the mind-puzzle that keeps us separated from each other and in pain with our self and the world is the goal. Learning how to unconditionally love, how to be uniquely yourself, and how to express yourself when you stand alone, that takes guts and I admire you for it, as I admire me for trying my best to make this message in my own Abbey Normal way. Thank you for watching!



💛 TIKTOK: @WisdomBombs911




#AbbeyNormal #DivineTruth #HumanAscension

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