Tiktok Hair Growth Hacks?!

1 year ago

Doctor Ricky Brown is back again to react to more crazy medical TikTok's ranging from hair follicle growing body hacks to some of the craziest botched lip filler procedures you've ever seen.

Doctor Ricky starts us off with a injectable filler demonstration video that highlights the dangers of improperly using hyaluronic acid pens showing difference between good and bad filler injectors by showcasing their knowledge of blood vessels and the anatomy of the face. Injecting filler in the wrong layer can be very dangerous and lead to major complications such as vascular occlusion which can destroy the tissue of the lip.

Watch Doctor Ricky react to this life of a surgeon as he laughs at the experience of the nurses getting the operating room ready through all the chaos before he arrives to the hospital.

Then we get into cool sculpting which is a procedure that freezes fat, but although it's advertised as a weight loss tool, as Doctor Ricky mentions how the high cost and mostly ineffective results don't make it a great tool for weight loss but rather only small trouble areas which is why it's way too expensive for someone who needs to actually lose a significant amount of weight.

Liposuction is half the money and doesn't have the dangers of Cool Sculpting which can lead some patients to develop paradoxical adipose hyperplasia that has to be fixed with liposuction if it doesn’t work.

Next up Doctorr Ricky dives into the dangers of synthol oil injections which is usually only done by bodybuilders and can causes major complications such as necrosis of the skin, horrific infections, and losing limbs.

Watch Doctor Ricky's shock as he reacts to the woman with a 14-inch waist that she achieved by getting 6 ribs removed. Getting your 12th rib removed is one thing but taking 6 ribs out is insane because it leaves your lungs unprotected from something as small as a bump on a chair.

Organs need space so crowding them together into half the size they're used to is a recipe for disaster. It doesn't help she also got eye-color changing surgery which is a totally illegal surgery in America and can leave patients blind.

Diving into more lip injections, Doctor Ricky shows us the dangers of injecting your lips with an unknown substance other than hyaluronic acid, a filler compound that’s easy to dissolve in case there are complications. If patients do get hyaluronic acid injections in the lip and face major swelling regardless, steroid injections can help with complications.

Check out the guy who had a recent rhinoplasty or septoplasty which left splints in the nose that get cased with mucus and snot. Listen to Doctor Ricky break down what you can expect to happen inside the nose after nose surgery as the gunk from surgery builds up in the nose and has to be removed which is actually why your doctor recommends saline rinses for the nose.

Next Doctor Ricky dives into an unethical cheek implant surgery which creates a very strange and unnatural look by placing a small silicone pad over the skull bone in the cheek.

Lastly, check out Doctor Ricky's hilarious reaction to this woman who claims you can actually grow hair follicles by rubbing your fingers together really fast. Unfortunately this didn't work for Doctor Ricky no matter how fast he started to rub.


Dr. Richard J. Brown is a top plastic surgeon in Scottsdale, Arizona. If you’d like more information on how you can connect with Brown Plastic Surgery or Dr. Ricky Brown, request a consultation at:


Connect with Dr. Ricky Brown personally on Instagram:


Find out what you need to know before plastic surgery by reading Dr. Brown’s book, “The Real Beauty Bible: Navigating Your Journey Through Plastic Surgery.”


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