Debate Proves PA Sen Candidate Fetterman so Unfit, Dem Party Must be Prosecuted

1 year ago

If Fetterman Wins, Dems Can Brag of THREE Fully Demented US Officials in High Office

Having watched a few excerpts of the appalling Fetterman v Oz “Debate” on October 25th, 22, you can sum it all up with an, “Ouch!” The PA Dem opened by saying, “Hi, Good Night everybody!”, offering a splendid oeuvre of his inane, off point and blithering performance.

By now, no one can be surprised that Fetterman recently had a massive stroke and cannot communicate. Further, the Dems boast 2 other incompetent politicians in DC, Dem Prez Joe Biden and Dem Sen Dianne Feinstein. So what does it mean that mental collapse is no bar to being a “good” liberal Democrat politician? Demented officials are more valuable to Dems!

Consider the PA Statutes regarding fitness to testify: 225 Pa. Code Rule 601. Competency
Rule 601. Competency.
(a) General Rule. Every person is competent to be a witness except as otherwise provided by statute or in these rules.
(b) Disqualification for Specific Defects. A person is incompetent to testify if the court finds that because of a mental condition or immaturity the person:
(1) is, or was, at any relevant time, incapable of perceiving accurately;
(2) is unable to express himself or herself so as to be understood either directly or through an interpreter;
(3) has an impaired memory; or
(4) does not sufficiently understand the duty to tell the truth.
So neither John Fetterman nor Joe Biden is “Competent” under the above standard. But apparently, neither is Sen Dianne Feinstein. See, Is Dianne Feinstein mentally unfit to serve?

“WASHINGTON — When a CA Democrat in Congress recently engaged in an extended conversation with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, they prepared for a rigorous policy discussion like those they’d had with her many times over the last 15 years. Instead, the lawmaker said, they had to reintroduce themselves to Feinstein multiple times during an interaction that lasted several hours, the member of Congress said, with no apparent recognition the two had already had a similar conversation. The episode was so unnerving that the lawmake began raising concerns with colleagues to see if some kind of intervention to persuade Feinstein to retire was possible. Feinstein’s term runs through the end of 2024.”

Fetterman is so incompetent, the DNC Democrats Must be Prosecuted for Voter Fraud

Why do Democrats need to use a mentally incompetent head for their party? That must mean this position is just a figurehead, anyway. More to the point, how is it possible that a healthy political party would feel more comfortable with demented individuals in the role of a “representative” when that person has no comprehension they represent anybody? And what about their constituents?

What we see now occurring is the final implosion of the Democrats as a major political party, because if they’ve become a zombie party, what can control their collapse? The Democrats have no faith in the power of their own ideas. And so they regularly lie and mislead the public as to who they are. Because the truth will expose them to ruin. Which is exactly what we have happening today.

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