Public Speaking Tip: How to not be nervous when speaking in public - Healer's Nook

1 year ago

Public Speaking Tip: How to not be nervous when speaking in public - Healer's Nook

#publicspeaking #publicspeakingtips #ShayoliHope

Get help applying what we talked about today with my training "Find the Message in Your Mess" here:


Public speaking is the number one fear in the world, even worse than the fear of death for many people. Which means that those people would rather be in the coffin at a funeral than the person standing at the front giving the eulogy!

Let me know in the comments: if you were at a funeral, would you rather be in the coffin or at the podium?

You don’t have to be terrified of speaking in public - with some practice and useful tips you can get through those adrenaline-filled moments when you are holding a microphone! Some of you even feel the call to be a speaker and share your message with more people. It’s especially important for people like YOU to overcome crippling stage fright so you can live your purpose and fulfill your mission!

In this video I share my top tip for releasing stage fright and the fear of public speaking so you can get up and speak without being too nervous to function!

This is going to sound crazy, but my number one tip is to forget about yourself completely. When you are worried about how you look, or how you sound, or how many new clients you’re going to get after they hear your presentation, you are only thinking about yourself.

Guess what? An audience can sense that energy from a mile away! They will not respond well if they feel like you are making it all about you. They won’t feel connected to you, they won’t want to participate or answer questions, and they certainly won’t want to hire you afterwards! They will instead be rolling their eyes to their neighbors, checking their phones, and planning what they are going to eat during the next break! Don’t be that speaker!!

How do you avoid getting stuck in that yucky energy where all you’re thinking about is you instead of them?

A quick way to shift is to ask yourself, how can I move from my head to my heart right now? Then let your energy flow from self-promotion to serving your audience from your heart.

This is one of the most powerful exercises I do myself to keep me focused on the audience and forget about my own self-centered fears and worry - which allows my stage fright to dissolve and disappear. Remember you are there to serve!

Join Us In Person!

Rejuvenate YOU! 3-Day in person event:

0:00 Intro and welcome to How to Not Be Nervous when Speaking in Public
1:22 How to Not Be Nervous when Speaking in Public
1:49 What about you?
2:00 You can beat the nerves!
2:38 My top tip for beating nerves
3:35 Your auience can feel it if you make it all about you
4:13 How to shift your focus
5:33 A quick way to shift from your head to your heart

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