
1 year ago

“There's a point where we just let the music take over everything." - Christopher Nolan

Hippobamf: Track Eighteen

Song: Time
Artist: Hans Zimmer
Album: Inception OST

Well, that's it for HIPPOBAMF. I love that mix. It's got such a nice blend of stuff going on. That was made way back in 2010. There's a actually a Hippo Quadralogy of mixes that were all made back around the same time. I've decided to just go ahead and launch right into the sequel, SINCERITY3. That one cuts way back on the video game tracks and adds in some great trance and electronica. It's got Massive Attack and Moodswings on there. SINCERTY3 was actually a place where the Hippos gathered but it was destroyed long ago. The mix will give you an idea of what it was once like.

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