At least 100 killed after 2 car bombs explode at Somalia’s education ministry

1 year ago

At least 100 people were killed and hundreds more were wounded on Saturday when two car bombs exploded at Somalia’s education ministry, next to a busy market intersection.

Although no group has immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, Somalian President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud blamed al Qaeda-linked group al Shabaab and warned that the death toll was likely to rise.

Saturday’s attack was the deadliest since a truck bomb exploded at the same intersection in October 2017, killing more than 500 people.

The first of the explosions hit the education ministry around 2 p.m. local time, while the second hit as ambulances arrived and people gathered to help the victims.

Al Shabaab militants, who are seeking to topple the government and establish there own rule based on an extreme interpretation of Islamic law, frequently stage attacks in Mogadishu and elsewhere in the country. But the group typically avoids claiming responsibility for attacks that result in a large loss of life.

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