Human Bodies Scanned At Airports For Luciferase Proof of Vaccination

1 year ago

From Hope,

I wanted to send this new special report I just did with this breaking news so that you are aware. I interviewed an American refugee Victor Hugo who has first hand stories of friends of his using fake vaccine passports to try to get back home, who were stopped by customs in various airports. Their bodies were scanned for luciferase from the vaccines and when they were found not to be glowing they were detained and forced to get a vaccine at the airport in order to get their connecting flights home. To back this up I also mention the patents that show luciferase in the shots, show videos of peoples injection sites and veins in their hands glowing, and PCR test strips glowing from luciferase. And also show a video of the scanning equipment at the airport showing peoples arms from the jabs and foreheads from the swabs lighting up under the blacklight. --

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HopeGirl Alternative News

Victors Website:

EMF Protection Products FTWProject:

Victor Hugo Background Story Interview:
Discussion with Veteran American Refugee Maverick Artist Victor Hugo in the Republic of Georgia (Former Soviet Union)

Blog Post With More Links and Documentation:

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