C.S. Ep.9 Are Blacks Jew Too?

1 year ago

Welcome To Cymatic Sociology! I Am Your Trippy Trip-C Cychadelic Cychopomp, CymaTree. In Today's Episode Of Cymatic Sociology, We Are Asking The Question...

Are Blacks Jew Too?

Last Episode, We Covered How Ye, Despite Being Correct About Black People Being Considered Jews, Was Removed From Social Media Platforms By The Racist Religions That Have Enslaved Us Humans On Their Monetary Banking System

In The Last Episode, We Clarified That Every Single Man Who Has Been Unconsentually Circumcised By A Masonic Medical System Is Fundamentally Seen As A "Jew" In The Eyes Of Yahweh

In Today's Episode, We Are Expanding Upon The History Of Why The Jewish God, Yahweh, Told Abraham To Circumcise All Of The Foreign Men That He Controls With Money.

By Doing This, We Can Clarify The Origin Point Of The Penis Police and Understand Why The Masons Want To Make Money Mutilating The Flesh Of The Men They Use Money To Manipulate In "The Name Of God"

Abraham's Covenant Is The Origin Of "White" and "Black" As Religious Races

The Religion That Worships Abraham's Covenant Forces Circumcision On Us Because It Is Essential To Spreading Their Masonic "Novus Ordo Seclorum" -aka New World Order

Notice The Key Word, NEW.

The Racist Religions That Claim Their Jealous God Has Given Them Permission To Endlessly R8pe Indigenous People and Constantly Lie About Our History Are Explicitly NEW To This Earth.

Historically, That Is Why European's Racist Religions Are Obsessed With Weaponizing "White" People To Make Money Controlling Everything They Can Colonize From The Cannibalizion Of "Black" People

The Men Who Use Money To Manipulate Our Minds Objectively Stole All Of Their Mathematics, Metaphysics, and Monetary Matters From Metatron's Many Messengers Of Mercury

Metatron, As The Manager of Mercury, Is Constantly Called Away From His Space Of Chase To Stabilize The Chaotic Emotions Of Universes Outside Of His Own

This Is Where Masons Stole The Idea Of The Metaverse From. So When You See That The Are Jews Objectively Riding The Dick Of Enoch, Now You Know Why

Enoch, As Metatron, Built The Natural Matrix That Connects This Planetary Body To A Grander Structure That Atlanteans Call "The Metaverse"

As Metatron's Family Expanded Past This Circumstance, Crusading Colonizers That Anubis Calls "Space Ews" Were Allowed To Invade This Simulation Because Atlantis and Mercury Set This Universe Up As A Trap

The Universe Is A Trap? A Trap For What?

For EVIL mwahahaha

Seriously Though, This Universe Was Created By Atlantis and Mercury To Trap Evil Spirits. This Is Why The "New World Order" Is Weaponizing All Of The Wisdom It Stole From Ancient Cultures To Make Money Off Of Slavery, Genocide, Gaslighting, and Illegal Warfare.

This Is Why The World Government Profits and Prospers By Stealing Our Black (Indigenous) Truths To Sell Their White (Religious) Lies

Evil= Spirits Who HATE Being Alone

Good= Spirits Who LOVE Being Alone

Evil Spirits Like To Make Money Stealing Everything From Good Spirits

Good Spirits Like To Make Money Giving Everything To Evil Spirits

As Mercury, My "Money" Comes From Freely Giving My Knowledge To Masons Who Steal My Land and Lie About It

This Is Why Masons Have All My Money, While I Have None

Masons Get To Be The White Men To Spread Slavery

Mercury Gets To Be The Black Man Who Spreads Freedom

Thus, Masons Feel Free To Steal My Land And Enslave Us In A Matrix That They Use My Energy To Manifest

This Is Why Spider-Man Is "Poor Peter Parker"

Because Masons Need All Of Us To Be Poor As We Serve A System That Does Not Serve Us

Masons Need All Of Us To Be Poor As We Make Them Rich

Masons Need All Of Us To Sacrifice Our Souls To Their Cannibalistic "Metaverse" Of A Matrix

This Is Why Masons Use Abraham's Covenant Circumcise Us. This Is How The Jews Are Using The Medical System To Sacrifice Our Foreskins To Their God and Indoctrinate Us Into Their Racist Religions

Just Facts. You Can Go Do All The Research You Need To Do On "Abrahams Covenant" and "Medical Circumcision" You Need Before Accepting The Basic Truths I Am Sharing About History.

If You Want To Learn More About Why The Jews Need To Make Money Unconsentually Circumcising The Baby Boys They Buy, Check Out The First Four Episodes Of Hermetic Health.

If You Want To Learn How You Can Use Water-Fasting To Talk Directly To God Like The Super-Jew, Jesus Christ, (Who Got Sacrificed To The Roman Government) Then Come Save Your Soul In Your Hermetic Heaven At Chaseyourgenes.com

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