The Good Shepherd

1 year ago

The LORD is my SHEPHERD; I shall not want.

The Lord is like the shepherd who saves the sheep that are lost. Sheep are helpless and vulnerable. So they need a shepherd. Like sheep, we are dependent beings - and without a shepherd we will be as sheep going astray.

This shepherd seeks and saves his sheep: He goes out, looking for the lost lamb - into the darkness, down the thorny path, braving the cold wind. He goes out to rescue the one lost sheep.

The LORD is my SHEPHERD; I shall not want. Not ‘a’ shepherd – but ‘MY’ shepherd… There’s a closeness - a personal relationship. I belong to Him – I am His. 17 times - the personal pronoun occurs in 6 verses. We are the object of his concern and care.

God’s sheep never lack anything the Shepherd thinks is good for them. He is with his sheep all the time. He is sufficient. He is all I need.

He gives grass and water - the two basic necessities of life for sheep. We are loved sheep - it’s a close, tender relationship. The Lord is a Shepherd to me. He cares for me. He watches over me.

The sheep belong to the shepherd - and he looks after them. If the Lord is my Shepherd, then I ought to recognise his rights over me, and that I am not my own - I have been bought with a price.

V. 2, He maketh me to LIE DOWN in green pastures: he LEADETH ME beside the still waters.
We can REST in the Lord. The presence of the master puts us at ease. We can know a perfect security. A contentment. He gives Refreshment.

He gives refreshing. He goes before His sheep… And they follow Him. Sheep have poor vision. A sheep cannot see very far ahead. So they can get into trouble. They need a shepherd to guide them.

He leads me to quiet, restful, refreshing waters. V. 3, He RESTORETH my soul. There’s healing - a restoring – of peace, of life. The shepherd brings relief from wounds. Enjoy His deep peace for your soul. He will revive and preserve us. He leads – He guides – with the closeness and comfort of His own presence.

V. 4, Yea, though I walk THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH, I will fear no evil: for THOU art with me. We all face dark times of difficulties. Yet, God is with us in our valleys. Those times of disappointment, and sickness. The darkest hours. He sustains us. I will fear no hurt, harm, danger - He is with us.

The good shepherd is always close by. There’s Protection. Child of God, you have His promises: Psalms 56:3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

When the Shepherd guides our way, we have His safeguarding. He is our Guard - our guardian, and defender. As a watchman He is vigilant.

God is with us in our valleys. He is our shelter from storms. Know the tenderness of the Shepherd. Isaiah 40:11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

Thy ROD and thy STAFF they COMFORT me. His rod and staff are the emblems of His care and support. The rod was a club - used against the enemies of the sheep – used to drive off wild animals. It was to protect the sheep from marauding predators. We can trust our Shepherd - and His strength and power.

The shepherd uses his staff – a crook or hook - to aid sheep, to help gently free lambs from entanglement and harm - to guide and comfort. It’s symbolic of God’s Holy Word – for our comfort and correction. We can rely on Him to help deliver and sustain us.

V. 5, Thou preparest a TABLE before me in the presence of mine enemies: The Lord our shepherd is preparing a banquet for us. The Word of God is corn, manna, honey, wine, milk, and strong meat for us. This is the cook book full of delicious recipes for God’s people. God is preparing a table – a prepared meal. A satisfying meal. Our good shepherd feeds our souls - He nourishes and sustains our spiritual life.

There’s mention of enemies here. Sheep have many enemies – vipers, lions, bears, hyenas, jackals, huge birds of prey, and robbers and bandits. Even amidst enemies He is there, with us.

Thou anointest my head with oil; my CUP runneth over. He is - for his sheep - a Doctor, and a Nurse. He is the Great Physician. He knows our injuries and hurts – he eases the pain. He anoints – he applies the healing oil; to guard against infection.

My cup is full and spilling over – it is overflowing. God has filled our cup. Filling our cup to overflowing.

V. 6, Surely GOODNESS and MERCY shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. We know the Saviour’s constant presence - His constant fellowship.

God’s goodness and mercy are so rich and full… The House of the Lord shall be my dwelling place. His presence; “we shall ever be with the Lord”.

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