Alaska Politics Unfiltered!

1 year ago

Two events in one night. ConCon & US Congress Candidates Debate Alaska Resources. Schedule times below has been changed ConCon is now first & Congress Resources Candidate Debate is Second.

The next Congressman Alaska selects will likely be part of a Republican Majority in the US House. Oil regulation policy will be one of the most important policy issues of a new congress.

Tonight Dr. Forrest Nabors moderating: 7:30-9:00pm Candidates Nick Begich Ill and Chris Bye will duke it out on stage.

Those holding this event reached out to Congresswoman Mary Peltola to come debate this essential policy, but she declined their invitation.

Sarah Palin also declined their invitation as well, but we already know she wants to "Drill Baby Drill."

From 6:00pm - 7:30pm Senator Robb Myers and Representative Kevin McCabe will have a conversation why Alaskans should be overwhelmingly Voting “YES on Ballot Measure #1!”

Ever wonder why there are no prominent Democrats advocating for a YES vote regarding the Constitutional Convention? Perhaps they are fully aware that our current Constitution promotes their political dogma quite well!

The “Defend Our Constitution”, “Dark Money”, opposition once again not going to defend why they are pouring Multi-Millions in TV & Radio ads telling us how to Vote. They know if they have to have an open forum/debate. They would have to admit it’s all about them losing their power & control they have spent decades to get. Spending tens of millions every year dictating to us who to elect. Just to keep those Multi Billions being spent by our Government, flooding into their pockets. Top 3 contributors are 1630, NEA, IBEW. ($2.5 Million+ from them)

I have a question for you.

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If you are a MatSu Valley Voter. Don't forget that there are "Two Elections" going on right now. The State/National, which is Rank Choice Voting & the MatSu Borough, which is a pick one & done Election.

Both Elections have a “Ballot Measure One” to Vote on.

State is for the Constitutional Convention
I’m a "Yes on One"

The MatSu Borough Ballot Measure One say’s, any new Gun Laws/Ordinances must go to the Vote of the People, before it can be passed.

Also I’m a "Yes on One"

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I’ll be monitoring comments on FB @Poliatdick. Do you have a question you would like to ask? If so leave them in the comments at Politadick on Facebook & I'll do my best to try and get them answered.

Other News:

It’s Time for Alaskans to “Vote YES on One” for having a Constitutional Convention. Our Lawbreaking Legislators have made it perfectly clear they won't do what is best for “All Alaskans”. It’s Time for Alaskans to take back control over our Local Government. Click this link to learn why Alaskans should be Voting "Yes on One" Nov. 8th.

Senators Shower & Hughes Constitutional Convention Conversation:

Jake Libby for

Do you know how Ranked Choice Voting Works? Here is the link to learn more about it:

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MSM is always spinning everything as being the most horrible things imaginable is happening, that Our Democracy is at risk if we do not capitulate the Far Lefts Narrative & Agenda. They will do everything they can to make it appear only the Radical Left cares about Alaskans Futures. Reality is…. All they really care about, is who is paying them the most, to report their paid for narrative “Opinion News”.

That’s why I’m here to livestream this to all of you so "We Alaska…

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